Emilia Perez, a movie directed by Jacques Audiard, has won six Golden Globe awards and 13 Oscar nominations. But is the recognition the movie has received deserved?

Several controversies have been circling the movie since it came out, including the use of AI to modify the singing harmonies of one of its actors. These controversies seeming to be career halting.
Tim Lammers, a writer from Forbes magazine, wrote on Jan. 21 that the voice modification was intended “to accomplish the desired effect, Holtz said Gascón’s singing voice was blended with that of French pop star Camille—who co-wrote the music for Emilia Pérez.” Despite his reasoning, people have found their use of AI distasteful.
Mr. Wilson, QUEST AP English Language, and Composition teacher, calls the progression of AI “unhuman“. Humans will always do a better job at everything, from editing to acting to coloring everything. All art. Partially because humans have imperfections and they will put that into their work, their imperfections become a part of the thumbprint,” Wilson says.
When asking PEACE junior Michele Morris about her thoughts on AI in film she comes to a similar conclusion as Mr. Wilson saying that “It takes away from the authenticity.”
There has also been a huge controversy regarding the Karla Sofia Gascons’ tweets, which have recently resurfaced. Amongst her several racist, anti-muslim, and anti-jew comments that have re-emerged since 2020, she has also had tweets from 2022 where she calls her Emilia Perez costar Selena Gomez a “rich rat.” With the resurfacing of these tweets, Karla Sofia Gascon has since deleted her X account.
The resurfacing tweets have shown the true importance of behavior online. Karla Sofia Gascon’s careless tweeting has led me to believe that it is unfair to be praising her with so many nominations.

Overall, this highly anticipated movie has become a well-known disaster, earning 72% from critics and only 16% from verified audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. They spent about twenty-two million on the movie and earned back only fifteen million meaning they grossed negative six million. This movie has caused an overwhelming amount more controversy than it’s worth. The excitement for this movie had originally come from the leading trans actress, Karla Sofia Gascon, but expectations have fallen short with the showing of her true colors.