With the business of senior year, figuring out how to navigate applications and financial aid can be stressful for seniors who want to go to college. This is why Millikan’s College and Career Center is hosting Swarm College Application Days.
These Swarm Days are happening Nov. 2 and 3, from 8:45 a.m. – 3:35 p.m., as well as Saturday, Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the College and Career Center.

“[Swarm] is a day where seniors can come and get help on whatever college application they are working on,” stated Mr. Yezzo, a College Advisor at Millikan.
On these days, multiple college advisors will “swarm” to a school, allowing more dedicated time to work with individual students. This benefits students who have complex questions or need more guidance on applications.
“Our goal is to finish as many applications as possible before Thanksgiving break because we want [students] to actually enjoy their break,” said Mr. Yezzo. Early applications are normally due throughout the month of November and many seniors like to plan ahead for applications, so this goal benefits many students.
Two MBA seniors, Elliette Rebennack and Liv Swanuy, are already feeling anxiety over applications.
“There’s a sense that [the essays] have to be perfect and it has to be your best work, and it’s overwhelming,” says Rebennack. “I feel like there’s a lot of pressure put on us and that’s why there’s a lot of stress.”
Rebennack and Swanuy want to take gap years but are still applying to colleges.
Students who would like to attend the Swarm Days can pick up a pink slip from the College and Career Center which will allow them to step out of their classes for two periods and go to the College and Career Center for help.
For more information, students can email the different college advisors here at Millikan or stop by the College and Career Center.
Sofia Matin • Jan 25, 2024 at 10:18 am
It’s really cool that Millikan provides these types of events for the students!
Alyssa Carrillo • Dec 1, 2023 at 11:02 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On November 1, 2023, reporter Allyson Ritcher wrote an article titled “Swarm College
Application Days.” This article did a great job of informing seniors of the “Swarm College
Application Days” hosted in the college and career center. With this information the stress of
trying to figure out how to fill out an application and submit it in time to enjoy the break. The
resources Ritcher explains and how they work can be seen as super helpful for countless seniors
during this stressful time of year. With this information, seniors can be directed to a sense of help
which will greatly affect and be useful to them in their future. Ritcher also does an amazing job
of mentioning people who work at the college and career center like Mr. Yezzo and other staff
members are willing to help out students so they’ll be able to enjoy their break and be less
Alyssa Carrillo
Chloe Stevens • Nov 30, 2023 at 9:12 am
I really liked this article because it did a good job of explaining what Swarm Day is and the importance of it. The author did a nice job with the flow of the article, starting with the announcement of the Swarm Days, transitioning to the importance of the days, and ending it with tips for students who want to participate in the Swarm Days. My only suggestion is that I feel like the sentence about the students wanting to take gap years feels a little bit out of the blue and slightly dampers the flow, but besides that, I like the article. One of my favorite parts is where it implies that it’s called Swarm Day because college advisors will “swarm” to the school and help students. I like that part because I was talking to a senior about Swarm Day and didn’t realize that that was where the name came from, so I’m glad I could learn that fact. Overall, this is a really good article that shares information about the Swarm Days in a clear, easy-to-understand way.
Sofia Matin • Nov 29, 2023 at 11:08 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On November 1, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “Swarm College Application Days”. I would first like to say that it was a very well-written and informative article. I enjoyed reading it even though it was only an informative newsletter, and my compliments to Richter. I normally would not have known such events occur at our school, and though I am not yet a senior, I know that information will be beneficial to me when it is my time to think about college. I very much appreciated the effects the article had on me, as unforeseen as they may have been.
One thing, the only thing, that I noticed regarding the formatting of Richter’s article was that despite the inclusion of the names of two seniors, Elliette Rebennack and Liv Swanuy, only Rebennack was used for a quote/perspective. I willingly admit that I don’t know much about the writing of newsletters, and I do understand that it is more thorough to cite multiple sources for one opinion. However, I was confused when reading because only one of the said sources was used for a quote. Would it not have been beneficial to use similar quotes from both individuals? If not, please forgive my impertinence.
I hope more articles with this same informative theme are published by the Corydon in the future. These events are incredibly helpful to college-focused individuals and are always greatly appreciated. The article was a very helpful addition to the November publication, and I’m glad we were able to receive the information in a well-written way. Richter did, in my opinion, a great job.
Sofia Matin
Lucy Green • Nov 29, 2023 at 10:54 am
This article did an excellent job at conveying information about the swarm college application days happening in the College and Career Center, but also acknowledging the anxieties that come with applying to college. By including interviews with Mr. Yezzo, a College Advisor at Millikan, and also with two students applying for college, this article presented a relatable and credible tone. In addition, the inclusion of dates and times, as well as the pink slip students require to attend, this article is very useful and informative.
Because this article did such a great job at exploring anxiety regarding college applications, I would love to see further articles addressing the struggles and feelings students may have surrounding this time of year. While I am not a senior, I am already feeling anxious about the upcoming year regarding college applications so it is helpful to see articles on the Corydon relating to this topic.
Overall, I really appreciate this article for addressing a relevant and relatable topic that has been plaguing students applying for college. This article was incredibly informative and helpful, and I feel more prepared to go to the College and Career Center next year for help with my applications.
Samantha Atkinson • Nov 29, 2023 at 9:47 am
This article discusses the stresses high school seniors face when trying to apply to colleges, and how the Millikan College and Career Center offers help to those who have questions about their applications or financial aid. The article mentions how the College and Career Center plans to host “Swarm Days”, which is when many college advisors will come to help students with more complex questions and finer details of the college application process.
This article was incredibly informative, as I had no idea about swarm days before. Although I’m too late to go during the dates mentioned in the article, I now know to look out for them and go the next time they are occurring. This article provides a lot of information while also being concise. The author did a great job and I can’t wait to read more of her articles!! 🙂