There has been much effort to limit human impact on the environment, even students have done their part to support the Earth. They can join their school’s environmental clubs or campaigns, or limit their own impact on the environment. Many organizations have also minimized their effects on the Earth.
Many people have been making such a huge effort because as we approach 2030, we reach a point where climate change can not be diverted from its course.
“There is still one last chance to shift course… it would require industrialized nations to join together immediately to slash greenhouse gasses roughly in half by 2030 and then stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere altogether by the early 2050s,” says the New York Times.
Also, not only has climate change increased, but so has pollution, ruining ocean and land habitats, and worsening human health.
Climate change also threatens to make Long Beach an underwater city. Global warming causes flooding by melting glaciers or ice, which adds more water to the ocean.
There have already been major efforts to stop the causes of climate change here in Long Beach, one of them being the Long Beach Green Schools Campaign. This organization has made an effort to limit the environmental impacts of the LBUSD by passing policy 3510.1, guiding the district to use 100% renewable energy.
Another organization in Long Beach that has been doing its part to limit its emissions is the Port of Long Beach.
The Port’s Green Port Fair, which occurred on Oct.7th, celebrated its goal to become the first port with zero emissions. They have already started implementing company policies and guidelines to guide them to this goal.
“By 2035 all trucks in and out of port will create zero emissions, by 2030 all cargo handling equipment will create zero emissions, also the Port of Long Beach has many programs to clean up the atmosphere and improve the environment for wildlife and people,” says Anthony Pelesasa, the communications specialist for the Port of Long Beach.

The Port of Long Beach also has a shore power program. “With our shore power programs, as ships are docked on ports for 3-5 days
and people live in them,” and use electricity in them, “the ship turns off its engine and plugs into shoreside electricity. As it’s plugged in, the port is able to control 100% emissions,” says Pelesasa.
The port has many other policies to help the Earth’s environment and is celebrating its cause at the Green Port Fair. There will be a lot of activities and information regarding their goal of zero emissions.
You can show your support by attending other environmental events you know about or joining the Millikan Environmental Club, or other organizations helping the environment. You can even just take small actions to help the Earth, like using less electricity or carpooling to your destination. Whatever you decide to do, we must take action together.
amie soto • Jan 24, 2024 at 9:34 am
This article was very well written and informative to raise awareness of climate change and showing long beach’s efforts trying to help in this difficulty and inspires us to do the same.
Richard H. • Jan 23, 2024 at 10:54 am
Great photos, I like architecture photos.
Izabella Gonzalez • Nov 1, 2023 at 8:55 am
The article was very well written and was able to give the audience a new understanding on the efforts of changing climate change. It was intriguing seeing the different approaches in trying to help and being able to hear words quoted from large corporations in this case the port of Long Beach and how they plan on taking action to help reduce the carbon footprint. The writer did a great job keeping clarity throughout the article by giving background information and pulling sources in an effort to keep readers questions answered.
It would be interesting to hear more about the concerns coming from climate change that the port is trying to decrease and maybe some statistics on how much they were affecting greenhouse gasses before they switched to attempting zero emissions.
The writer did great explaining and clarifying the issues of climate change and how our city is making efforts to help. It was also helpful to have some recommendations of what we could do to further help our community.
Jennah Martinez • Oct 25, 2023 at 10:50 am
This article perfectly exemplifies the importance of fighting against climate change and how important it is that we take a stand, no matter how small. This article also presents many different scenarios in which we can help, some of which include joining clubs or groups that are actively fighting against climate change, or something as small as using less electricity and carpooling. The article does a good job of not only explaining what we can do to help, but also what will happen if we don’t. There is the possibility of our very own city of Long Beach becoming an underwater city. This article very clearly calls to action on what must be done.
Additionally, not only are the audience being addressed on how to help, but also the Port of Long Beach is being credited for their own efforts as well. In order to help fight against climate change, they have put in place several different programs to aid in producing zero emissions out into the atmosphere.
Lastly, another comforting fact that this article presents is efforts being placed by our very own school district. The district has not only placed in a new policy to use 100% renewable energy, but also has the Long Beach Green Schools Campaign, which aids in reducing environmental impacts of LBUSD. It is nice to know that our district not only cares about the welfare of our students, but the environment in which they will grow up in
Gabriela Gutierrez • Oct 24, 2023 at 6:24 pm
This article is written to inform the community of Millikan High School, Long Beach residents, and all people who live on Earth of the climate change crisis that we have been facing. The article is very well structured. From the beginning Walker does a good job of making a connection with the audience, which causes the reader to become more intrigued by the article. The use of reliable sources from the New York Times along with a current employer from the Port of Long Beach gives credibility to the point that Walker is making as well. The incorporation of information on how the port is becoming more environmentally friendly shows how the port is supporting the fight against climate change. It also sets a good example for other ports around the world by displaying ways in which cities can take action to help support the deduction of climate change. In addition, Walker also informs the residents of Long Beach of the consequences that they may face if climate change worsens. By doing this the inspiration to help further prevent climate change from worsening occurs. Furthermore, Walker is able to emphasize the call of action that everyone can take on. Overall, this article is very informative and leaves the readers with the knowledge they need to make a positive change for our planet.
Eliana Tesfaye • Oct 24, 2023 at 2:03 pm
Walker initially uses an appeal to familiarity, most likely with the intention of relating to the like minds of the Millikan body who believe climate change requires discussion and action. Her recurring use of the date 2030 strategically stresses and brings attention to the common deadline that many climate activists are intending to beat. Walker’s strategic placement of a quote published by the New York Times is effective in two distinct ways. It successfully primes her audience for the many examples that follow. Additionally, it provides her work with credibility and trustworthiness.
Walker’s numerous examples of how Long Beach has and will continually attempt to limit the harsh effects of climate change not only introduces readers to ways they can enrich themselves on said topic independently but also provides support for the relevance of the article’s topic. My personal favorite feature of Walker’s well-written article is her listing of the numerous ways readers, specifically students, can contribute to the dire problem at hand.
Eliana Tesfaye
Sofia Uribe • Oct 24, 2023 at 2:01 pm
The article did an excellent job shedding light on The Port of Long Beach’s recent efforts to achieve zero emissions. Especially at this time, there is significant change needed to be done across the world to reverse climate change before it is too late. This daunting task makes the fight against climate change appear hopeless, which makes this article all the more important as it serves as a reminder of the changes being taken in our very own city. The port of Long Beach is used by industries across the world, so these environmental reforms are a huge environmental win. It is an uplifting reminder that our city is taking measures to ensure a healthier planet through our Port of Long Beach. This good news deserves to be shared and will no doubt serve as an inspiration for other ports across the country.
Jennifer Martin • Oct 24, 2023 at 1:48 pm
It was very well written and informative. I think that it’s very important to raise awareness not just to climate change but also to the measures taken against it, which is why I think this article was so great. I’m very curious about the other measures being taken by the port, and I think the use of the hyperlink was great to keep the essay clear. I’ll definitely be looking into that more later. I feel like it would have been super cool to have more information about the LB Green Schools Campaign, such as if Millikan is a part of it. However, I think this article was very well organized, especially with the reminders of how urgent and important it is we address it. It makes the measures the port is taking even more impressive and valuable. The call to action at the end was also a very nice touch that I felt was very effective. I thought this article was a super nice read but also very educational.
Jenny Martin
Amanda Zorick • Oct 24, 2023 at 11:50 am
This article provided a multitude of evidence which shows that Long Beach is doing its part at combating climate change. Although there is a sufficient amount of information, the article could have benefitted from a little more explanation of the stated evidence. I appreciated, however, that there were embedded links to various topics that were important throughout the article. They were helpful to better comprehend the confusing policies that are so important in the fight to combat climate change. I liked how Walker used deductive reasoning throughout the article with a general claim at the beginning, specific evidence in the middle, and a call to action at the end because it kept me engaged throughout the entire piece. Overall, I extremely enjoyed the piece because it opened my eyes to a new part of the climate change fight that I did not know Long Beach was working so hard on.
Mario Olivares • Oct 24, 2023 at 10:41 am
This article was written very well as it expresses its concern and ongoing steps that are being made toward a more sustainable future.
It was very important for the writer to voice their concern and their reason for writing the article, which was very clear because of the scary fact that “Long Beach could be underwater”. Furthermore, using the phrase “Long Beach could be underwater” was a great way to engage the reader and call to action. It also did a great job by adding organizations and campaigns that are helping reduce emissions as it tells the reader that not all hope is lost and we are actively trying to find a solution. Although Its argument is really strong, I think that the article missed the opportunity to further elaborate on things that we as students can do to help out. The picture is lacking and could have maybe been a little more eye-catching. The article could have given a greater description of the clubhouse at Millikan and how to join or even how to support some of these organizations that are doing great work.
All in all great work, I think this topic is very important and it is great that you covered it. Students should be more engaged in what’s happening in their community and actively try to find better ways to lessen their carbon footprint.
Mario Olivares
Mario Olivares • Oct 24, 2023 at 10:12 am
On October 17, 2023, Bhree Walker wrote an article titled “The Port Supports Fight Against Climate Change”. This article was written very well as it expresses its concern and ongoing steps that are being made toward a more sustainable future.
It was very important for the writer to voice their concern and their reason for writing the article, which was very clear because of the scary fact that “Long Beach could be underwater”. Furthermore, using the phrase “Long Beach could be underwater” was a great way to engage the reader and call to action. It also did a great job by adding organizations and campaigns that are helping reduce emissions as it tells the reader that not all hope is lost and we are actively trying to find a solution. Although Its argument is really strong, I think that the article missed the opportunity to further elaborate on things that we as students can do to help out. The picture is lacking and could have maybe been a little more eye-catching. The article could have given a greater description of the clubhouse at Millikan and how to join or even how to support some of these organizations that are doing great work.
All in all great work, I think this topic is very important and it is great that you covered it. Students should be more engaged in what’s happening in their community and actively try to find better ways to lessen their carbon footprint.
Juliette Montiel • Oct 24, 2023 at 10:08 am
This article brings forth an optimistic point of view in one of the biggest battles our world is currently facing. The spirit of Walker’s writing is contagious and is able to leave an imprint on the audience as it addresses dangers personal to the citizens of Long Beach. Introducing the all too familiar threats of climate change is critical in any article addressing the topic, but in this article specifically, it is done in a strategic way, so as to bring forth new information that may not be such common knowledge. Specifically, the sentence “Climate change also threatens to make Long Beach an underwater city” literally hits close to home. Over the years, reiterated ideas of carbon emissions and droughts have been negligible to the general public, since these are things that aren’t so directly affecting most people. Thus, the suggestion of climate change’s direct threat to our home city brings passion to the surface and can take many people by surprise as I know it did to me. The article goes on to explain that positive change is ensuing, thanks to collective efforts from the port and LBUSD. The concluding call to action is all the more effective because of Walker’s recognition of the audience. Suggesting easy ways to contribute to the climate change crisis is a brilliant way to go about a call to action, as high school students can certainly be dismissive of the greater issues of the world.
This article was clearly written with intention, and constructed in a way to leave the impact it was intending to.
Tere Quezada • Oct 24, 2023 at 10:03 am
This article emphasizes the need for humans to do as much as we can to support the environment.
Walker stresses the importance of us taking immediate action against climate change but also the direct threat to Long Beach. I appreciate that she did a deep dive on the impact Long Beach would have and included outside, credible resources. It is projected that by the year 2030 it will be far too late. I appreciate how she included what should be done by manufacturers to reduce the exertion of greenhouse gasses.
She includes a number of resources and campaigns against climate change that are being practiced not only in our city but also in our school district. Walker briefly mentions the efforts of the Long Beach Green Schools Campaign and how they hope to get Long Beach Unified School District to use renewable energy.
Walker did a great job of informing us as students of the growing need in advocacy for Climate Change, Global Warming, and the issues that are tied to them.
Tere Quezada