Is The NFL rigged?
“Yeah….. it’s painfully obvious the NFL is rigged” says writer Andrew Holleran in his SPUN article. Fans from around the world have been calling out the league over the controversial calls that took place, especially around the Kansas City Chiefs.
Due to the lack of effort in the teams who played the Chiefs, fans have been calling out the NFL and its officials about them rigging and faking NFL games.
It is not only the Kansas City Chiefs having questionable calls. There is a viral video surfacing on X showing the Detroit Lions having an oddly easy day with the Francisco 49ers. The video shows the players on the 49ers making a weak effort in tackling the opposing players, and convincing many to believe that they aren’t putting their best effort.

For example, receivers dropping wide-open balls are a super rare sight to see ever. Later in the video, it shows the script being flipped, having the Lions put up a weak effort and the 49ers taking power for the rest of the game. They later won the game 34-31, making it a close game. As a hard working student athlete myself, I don’t believe that these professional athletes are putting in their maximum effort. It’s so unbelievable to watch these professionals, who are paid millions, perform so poorly for their fans.
SEGA sophomore Julius Guevara says, “I think it is lowkey rigged for the purpose of entertainment because of the weird things the players do sometimes. But even if they were 100% rigged and staged, I feel like they would stage them to be even more entertaining, with higher scores and more scoring yards.”
Former Millikan Football coach Jared Weckerly states, “Probably not, but I wouldn’t be surprised. One reason is that the NFL files their taxes under entertainment and not sports/athletics. This way they can actually change outcomes of games without being legally held responsible.”
Many fans have been wanting answers from the NFL about this situation and have been wanting them to address it for a while now. What do you think of this situation? Rigged or not rigged?
Donald Wreath • Jan 28, 2025 at 11:38 am
Great article , Personally I do not think that the NFL isn’t rigged. Yes there are some calls that aren’t always right but its not just the chiefs its every team, Because there is a stereotype that its only the chiefs because that’s what the media makes it to be. And its hard to understand from you’re point as the writer of this article because your a raiders fan and lose to the chiefs twice a year.
Saray Meas • Jan 16, 2025 at 1:33 pm
Thank you for such a great article. I totally agree that the NFL is rigged. It’s the biggest Gambling scheme.