The Millikan’s Theater Program is most known for its Spring Musical, this past year being Legally Blonde. What many do not know is that the theater department also hosts a Drama Showcase in the Millikan Auditorium on May 10 at 7pm.
The Drama Showcase consists of a compilation of different scenes ranging from musicals, plays, monologues, and comedy performances.
Students in their theater class participate in a class performance from a musical of their choosing. For example:

- Play Productions class is performing “A Night to Remember” from High School Musical
- Advanced Theater class is performing “I’m Just Ken” from Barbie
- Intermediate Theater class is performing “Cruising for a Bruising” from Teen Beach Movie
- Introduction to Theater period one is performing “Life Is a Happy Song” from the Muppets
- Introduction to Theater period seven is performing “Schools Song” from Matilda the Musical
There is a big difference when it comes to the Spring Musical and the Drama Showcase. During the Spring Musical the theater department performs the complete two hours of the show singing and dancing, resembling the traditional Broadway production.
Additionally, the Spring Show is open to all people, you do not need to be in theater class to be in the Spring Show.

QUEST Senior Adin Ankly performed as the male lead “Emmett” in Legally Blonde. Despite his talent, he is not enrolled in a theater class at Millikan. Even though he isn’t in a theater class, Ankly says he doesn’t feel left out during the musical he said “it was a tight-knit community and nothing was hidden from each other during the show.”
During the Drama Showcase only people in a theater class are allowed to participate because their participation and performance is their second semester final. On top of this, students have the option to perform their own scene. This could be a solo performance, with friends, they can even write their scene if they want to!

For example,Tessa Holder, a COMPASS senior in Advanced Theater, Play Production, and the captain of the Improv Team is performing in five scenes for the Drama Showcase: a comedy sketch the Improv Team wrote together called “Majority Rules” is a play on words about a kid growing up named Majority and his rise to power.
With students being involved with multiple performances during the Showcase it can be stressful, however first year Theater Teacher, Mr. Bradich, is always there to support. “I like to let it start with them [theater students] as much as possible,” says Mr. Bradich. “They bring in their own ideas, they usually have their own choreography. I am the director so I watch all the acts a bunch of times giving them notes, if they need to tighten something up or make it more specific, maybe a suggestion or add something that is what I’m there to do.”
When it comes to the behind the scenes during the Drama Showcase, there are multiple people involved. To help each performance, the Play Production class helps students with their hair, makeup, costumes and every detailed prop needed.

The Head of Crews, Senior Skyler, a COMPASS Senior says, “There are so many different acts and many people involved, so, there is more responsibility in the performances because you have to keep accountable for a variety of things. It is difficult sometimes, because there are more people, but that also means more people are willing to help and make the showcase go smoother.”
The Theater Department has put in many hours practicing and communicating with each other to have an amazing show. If you love theater, musicals, or comedy, going to the Drama Showcase will have all of what you’re looking for. The Showcase will be on May 10 in the Millikan Auditorium at 7pm. Students will have a $5 admission and adults will be $10.
Eliana Tesfaye • May 21, 2024 at 1:48 pm
This article provides the Millikan student body with a new perspective that enlightens students about the hard work of the theater department. Jamali provides an in depth description of the theater department’s numerous performances ranging from the Muppets to Barbie. The quote from QUEST Senior Aidin Ankley, a key performer in a number of Millikan’s productions, introduces readers to a backstage perspective that describes the tight-knit relationship between cast members and crew.
My personal favorite feature of Jamali’s well-written article lies in the concluding paragraph. Jamali says, “The Theater Department has put in many hours practicing and communicating with each other to have an amazing show. If you love theater, musicals, or comedy, going to the Drama Showcase will have all of what you’re looking for. The Showcase will be on May 10 in the Millikan Auditorium at 7pm. Students will have a $5 admission and adults will be $10”. This segment of Jamali’s writing reveals the true motive and overall purpose of the article. After the numerous references to the hard work and dedication that the theater department has put in, readers feel inclined to reciprocate their appreciation to Millikan drama by purchasing the said tickets that Jamali references to.
Natalia Duenas • May 21, 2024 at 11:15 am
This article is centered around Millikan’s theater program and the performance they put on in May. The article includes dialogue from students in the theater program as well as some students that are indirectly involved with the program. By sharing unheard information and details about the performing arts classes, Jimali effectively engages the reader. The author acknowledges the popularity surrounding the Spring Musical but continues to shine a light on the Showcase which entails performances by every class involved in the program. Additionally, the author includes dialogue from the Theatre Teacher, Mr. Bradich, which establishes credibility which further strengthens the author’s message. Towards the end of the article, Jimali includes the flier about the Drama Showcase in hopes that her audience will be inclined to support the program and the show. Ultimately, Jimali highlights the details and efforts surrounding Millikan’s Drama Showcase through images, dialogue, and commentary.
Chukwuoma Uchegbulam • May 20, 2024 at 2:01 pm
On May 16, 2024, Zoe Jamali wrote an article titled “Millikan’s Theater Department Drama Showcase”. This article gave us insight into what goes on in our theater department after the widely advertised “spring musical”. She gave into great detail on the drama showcase and the amazing performances that pull scenes from different movies, musicals, and tv shows. Zoe tells us about the work that goes into the showcase. Zoe interviewed not only students but also teacher, Mr. Bradich to get even more insight into them. From the students we are able to hear their perspectives after four years in the department and how great of an experience they’ve had.
I partially do wish that in Zoe’s article ( despite being a great one ) she would include many more interviews. I believe that the inclusion of other interviewees would not only create a wider perspective on the Drama showcase but it would also flesh out the article even more.
Zoe A Van Gessel • May 20, 2024 at 1:04 pm
I appreciate Zoe’s article of the drama department and the promotion of this production. Jamali did a great job with her line of reasoning and choices of quotation to use. However, I would double check a few spelling errors like Aiden Ankley and Bradiech.
The variety of this writing is very clever and informative. Jamali excellently explained the format of the show itself and the difference between spring musical and showcase. She also highlighted some smaller groups within the theater department such as the Improv Team and Play Production class. This recognition is greatly needed and enjoyable.
Lastly, the promotion of the show was an amazing idea. However, the article being posted 6 days after the show is a shame. This also leads the article to be in present tense rather than past tense. This article was very well done in the composition and intrigue factor. Well done to Zoe!