In a few years, Millikan’s campus will be different from its current appearance. This is because the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) has some plans for the Millikan campus, hoping to update the environment.
Updates to Millikan’s campus, such as changing the drinking fountains, have already started, and coming as soon as next year, major construction is expected to start. LBUSD’s Renovation and Construction page lists upcoming projects taking place at Millikan. Here are three major updates that Millikan’s campus will have:
Starting in 2024-2025, new heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning will be added to all buildings.

Starting in 2027-2028, construction will begin to add a new outdoor pool and bleachers, as well as modern locker rooms.
Starting in 2028-2029, Millikan’s current pool and locker room will be changed into a multipurpose gym with air conditioning.
Each of these construction plans is projected to take two years to complete and is part of a bigger effort to update every LBUSD school site.
When asked about the plans to update the campus, COMPASS junior Micah Burrus said, “That sounds cool, but it just depends on how long it’d take, because I’m not trying to have a bunch of construction stuff while I’m trying to go to class.”
While buildings are under construction, classrooms that are affected will have to be relocated.
Millikan Assistant Principal Mrs. Hodge said, “I know that there have been school sites where they’ve had to split and go off-site, but according to the plans that I see here, we will all still stay on campus.”
Classes that take place in a building under construction will most likely be temporarily moved to another building, but specific classroom assignments have not been decided yet.
Burrus states, “It’d probably be kind of difficult, but as long as teachers know it might take me a little longer to get to class, it’s not really an issue.”
Many students will have graduated by the time construction is completed, but new students have new environments to look forward to.
Noah W. • Jan 24, 2024 at 9:28 am
I find it amazing that changes are being made and that future students have something new to enjoy and look forward too.
Miranda R • Jan 23, 2024 at 10:00 am
I think it’s really great to inform students of future changes, some people would like to be aware of new things coming to the school.
Harriet Jung • Jan 12, 2024 at 8:46 am
I think it’s great that students are being informed about the future plans of the school. It’s important to know what’s going on and what their future environment is going to look like. The editor did a great job covering the topic; she effectively alternated information and dates of renovations with student opinions.
However, with regards to LBUSD, it is somewhat disappointing to be told that new improvements won’t start until after I and all my friends have graduated. The editor does a good job acknowledging this at the end of the article but also establishes a positive perspective by pointing out that new students will have new environments to anticipate.
It was great to see news about construction projects at Millikan since it had seemed like LBUSD had forgotten about us. Thanks, Corydon Editor, for doing a great job summarizing Millikan’s upcoming improvements!
Zain • Jan 11, 2024 at 12:45 pm
I think she did a very good job covering all aspects and effects this will have the people of Millikan. I am especially impressed because she interviewed a Millikan student about his thoughts on the new project. He says that it is cool but he doesn’t want to be in school when everything is being reconstructed. I agree with him because I don’t think the district takes into account the feelings of the students who attend the school. Thank you for using your platform for a voice for students. Additionally, I feel like you could have elaborated more on the new pool being built at Millikan. She vaguely states that there is going to be a pool but where is it going to go? How big is it going to be? How much money will it cost? How long will it take to build? Furthermore, she explains how a new multi purpose gym will change the current gym and locker room. I feel like she can elaborate more on the functions of this and what specifically be added to this new facility.
Laurissa Avina • Jan 11, 2024 at 10:34 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. The article was very well written. It was also a great way to get access to a brief description of the updates that our school plans to make in the years ahead. I like that she included different perspectives on this new construction from staff and students. These different opinions were very informative and I just found it nice to hear a variety of opinions. I also liked that Richter listed the different updates and stated when they would be starting as well as how it will affect the school and its people as a whole. By saying when construction will be taking place, it allows some thinking ahead for students that attend as of now. It was also good to know that construction won’t really get in our way since we’ll be gone by then, however, we’re at a disadvantage since we miss out on these improvements. Overall, Richter wrote an informative article filled with useful information.
Natalia Duenas • Jan 10, 2024 at 1:29 pm
The article describes upcoming renovations of Millikan’s campus. The author uses sources from the district website which works to support her claim using a credible source. These details are necessary for an explanatory piece because it confirms all the information shared to the readers. Also, she includes links embedded into some key words to allow readers to explore the topic on their own. Additionally, Ritcher had students give their own testimonies to establish relatability. Furthermore, she writes to inform the reader in an efficient way. Her purpose was clear and the article had great clarity and explicit details. Ritcher did a great job at including images that are relevant to the topic and captions pertaining to those images. Ultimately, Ritcher did an excellent job at highlighting changes coming to Millikan High School by including student and teacher testimonies, district information, and images of current renovations in her article.
Anthony Lopez • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:35 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter published an article titled “New Plans for Millikan.” Throughout the article, Richter is talking about the new renovations that should occur throughout the school in the upcoming years. She mentions changes such as, new heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning in 2024-25, outdoor pool and bleachers in 2027-28, and multipurpose gym with air conditioning in 2028-29. I particularly liked the fact that she bolded all of the renovations that were going to be done, as it caught my eye and made me want to read the article to find out about what was going to happen. Although most of the students right now would have graduated, as Richter states, the upcoming students will be able to enjoy the remodeling and new environment that the school will have to offer. I had read her previous article in which she talked about the new ventilation systems, and it is good to know about the other projects that will be happening around the school in the future.
Anthony Lopez
Sofia Matin • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:35 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. I thoroughly enjoyed the article due to its informative nature and its ability to smoothly cover all bases of concern. Every question regarding the topic that I thought of was answered for me promptly, and in a way that gave an appropriate amount of information.
One minor thing that I noticed while reading was the repetition of the phrase “Millikan campus” or “campus.” I do understand that it would be difficult to write the article without these phrases due to its theme, but some alternate phrasing throughout the text could make it more enjoyable to read. Richter eventually made the phrasing more scarce, which is, of course, appreciated.
Finally, I very much admire the dedication to the understanding of the reader and the obvious ability to complete the article without causing excess confusion. Almost all of the word choice and the entirety of the formatting made it an easy but illuminating read, and I hope many of the Corydon’s future articles will incorporate the same amount of care.
Sofia Matin
Santino Garetto • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:33 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan.” It pleases me to hear that Millikan’s campus will be updated and improved. Promising progress is being shown in the renovations of the school’s drinking fountains. I am happy to know that I will be around to see the “new heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning” added to the buildings in the next school year.
However, I am quite concerned about the impact that construction zones will have on the classrooms that “will have to be relocated.” With classrooms being moved around, we are likely to see students struggle to reach their classes on time. Buildings under construction might require students to be redirected on their commutes during passing periods, causing an inconvenience for many.
I was surprised to find out that the school will, in the near future, have “a new outdoor pool and bleachers,” “modern locker rooms,” and “a multipurpose gym with air conditioning.” While new and improved facilities will benefit the school, I fail to see the necessity for diverting so much funding into something that is not compulsory for the school. Said funds, for example, could be utilized for improving the food served in the district’s cafeterias and raising the salary of teachers and staff.
I must admit, however, I am excited to see the upcoming changes to the school, no matter if the majority of them will take place after I am gone. Heating and air conditioning units will greatly improve the conditions of students within classrooms. It goes without question that many students now and in the future will appreciate what the district is currently planning.
Santino Garetto
Daniel Flores • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:33 am
This article was very informative on what new renovations are coming to Millikan within the coming years. I appreciate how much research has been done on this topic, demonstrated by all the dates provided in the article. Upon reading this article I have something to look forward to such as new water fountains across Millikan that will make it easier to fill up my water as well as have more accessible water around campus. The editor Allyson Richter did a great job writing this article as it does a very good job of providing all the information about what renovations are coming to Millikan and when they are likely to come. I also like how a Millikan student was interviewed to get a student’s perspective on how these renovations will affect them while the renovations are being made. I enjoyed reading the article because I got information on how my school will change and this topic was very interesting. After all, it is something that can impact me as a Millikan student. Amazing work Allyson! and very good topic choice for the Millikan Corydon.
morgan nowak • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:32 am
This article very thoroughly informs the reader about interesting improvements happening on Millikan’s campus in the upcoming years. We learn that between 2024 and 2029, many new updates to Millikan’s environment will take place. Things such as, new air filtration systems, a new outdoor pool and bleachers, and a multipurpose gym in place of the current indoor pool. Richter does a good job at being informative about not only what the renovations will be, but also when they are going to take place and how long they are going to be under construction. Richter includes pictures, taken by Mia Regnier, that support the topic of the article very well. She also is able to include a student point of view from junior Micah Burrus. We see that Burrus is in favor of the new renovations but he is also aware that the upgrades come with some new challenges. For example, the new difficulty of getting to class and the obstacles that may come with it. Richter also gives us the point of view from Millikan’s Assistant Principal, Mrs. Hodge. She tells us that in the past when other schools received renovations, there are some classrooms have moved off campus. Mrs. Hodge supplies us with the information that this may not happen to any Millikan classrooms. However, if it had to happen, a question I would have is how would that work? Because of our multi-class schedules and even and odd days, how would we get to all of our classes if some of them are being moved? This is a question that comes up in my mind when I read and think about the logistics of some classes moving campuses because of these new renovations within Millikan. However, Richter does a good job at being able to answer any questions we might have while reading with the information she gives.
Lucy Green • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:31 am
This article did an excellent job of informing the readers about upcoming improvements at Millikan, what they are, and when they will be taking place. Richter did a great job at also addressing concerns that students have about construction while they are at school. I found this article especially helpful because I have had questions recently regarding the status of infrastructure at our school, like the lack of air conditioning in some buildings.
Because this article did such a great job of relaying campus improvements, I would love to see another article dedicated to opinions on the current status of our campus. This could include interviews with students and teachers about our campus, which would help the audience understand how and why these new construction plans originated.
Overall, I really enjoyed this article and found it incredibly informative. The inclusion of quotes from both students and teachers made this article credible and relatable. Although I will have graduated by the time these improvements take place, I am excited that Millikan will have an updated campus for future students.
Samantha A. • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:06 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
This article discusses the campus renovations and changes that the district plans to involve Millikan in. These changes will be ongoing for many years, with the expected time for them all to finish to be in 2029 or sometime around 2030. These changes include new heating, air ventilation, air conditioning, an outdoor pool, new bleachers, modern locker rooms, as well as a multipurpose gym and locker room.
The writer addresses the concerns of some students concerned about the inconvenience of construction and having to relocate to new classrooms, stating how students shouldn’t have to worry about going off-campus for class. One student that was interviewed mentioned how they might take a bit longer to get to class, which is most likely a thought in everyone’s mind. As long as teachers and staff are aware of these inconveniences that students deal with when walking to class, I’m sure that everything will work out smoothly. The article is very informative and overall fantastic! :))
Kylie • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:05 am
In this article she highlights all the new updates that will be coming to Millikan. Though these renovations to Millikan are extremely beneficial it may have some disadvantages. Richter gives good insight into what some millikan staff and students think of these new updates. By interviewing a student such as COMPASS junior Micah Burrus, it allows for the view many students may have. That being the fear that the construction may get in the way of academics and class. The insight of Millikan’s Assistant Principal Mrs. Hodgel gives the insight of the staff at Millikan. Highlighting the difficulties these new projects may have, but as well as an alternative that can overcome this.
This article is very insightful as well as informative. I appreciate how it keeps me up to date with things that are happening around me and may also affect my life.
Mya Ogden • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:04 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Milikan.” This article speaks on the new innovations that are going to take place in Millikan such as air conditioning, new heating, and ventilation systems. As of this year Millikan has already experienced change such as water stations being implemented. Overall the article is highly informative to what the future renovations that will be taking place on campus. The writer, specifies in detail the specific changes that will be taking place and the years that these changes will take place. The article is highly informative and helpful, such as bringing up credible sources such as the Long Beach Unified School District website to demonstrate the renovation and construction list into better detail. I found it informative when questioning students and faculty about the renovations because it is important to have people represent their thoughts and feelings about the renovations going to take place and how that will affect the learning environment. Overall, I am looking forward to these innovations and that these steps will create a more comfortable learning environment.
Suzanna Gonzalez • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:04 am
I thought that this article was very interesting and informative. I had previously heard about change happening like air conditioning, but didn’t realize it would include a whole new campus look. I know many changes will happen after I leave Millikan since I graduate in 2025, so it’s a shame that I won’t be able to see the new campus in person. But even if I’m not here it’s still good that changes are happening.
This article helps the reader understand the future construction done on the campus, it also helps inform the difficulties that will come along with it. The construction will be in the way of educational learning, but it will be better for the school and the students in the long. Comfort isn’t the main reason kids come to school, but it will motivate kids to focus on what they are learning.
Mikaela Gan • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:02 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
I like that you are updating the students, parents, and school about the new plans for Millikan. I
like how you are telling us what’s happening in the upcoming years. Richter says there are going
to be three major changes on the campus like the heating/conditioning, an outdoor pool, and a
multipurpose gym. I don’t know how all of this is going to happen but each of these projects are
going to take two years each to complete. I appreciate that the renovations of drinking fountains,
heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning is the first priority and change the school is
making in 2024-2025. I also like that Richter got another point of view from the staff and
students. I like how Millikan’s Assistant Principal said that students would go to school on site
instead of off-site and would allow us to stay on campus while the construction is happening. I
also agree with what the junior Micah Burrus said and how it’s going to be difficult to get to class
with the construction going on. While I wish this construction happened before I got to Millikan,
I am glad that the new generation of students in the next following years will get to experience
the new campus when it’s done.
Kate Goldsworthy • Jan 10, 2024 at 9:57 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. Being a student at Millikan, I’m interested in whatever new information there is about the renovations that will be coming to our school. I have noticed new construction around school surrounding the drinking fountains and wonder when this is supposed to be finished? Additionally, I think it’s interesting how there are many new projects that are occurring consecutively in the next few years. I would have loved for the author to dive deeper into why these renovations are being planned all of a sudden. Was there a grant that the district received recently? It’s disappointing that by the time all these renovations will be complete and Millikan will be revamped, most current Millikan students will already have graduated. It’s unfortunate that current Millikan students will hear about this story, but won’t be able to experience its benefits. However, I do appreciate how the author gathered a quote from a student source as well as from a staff source. It helps me, being the reader, to fully comprehend everyone’s stance on the new construction plans. It’s interesting how the students are more concerned with getting to class on time, while the staff is focused on making sure the students can remain at Millikan during construction.
Mikaela Gan • Dec 24, 2023 at 9:04 pm
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan.” I like that you are updating the students, parents, and school about the new plans for Millikan. I like how you are telling us what’s happening in the upcoming years. Richter says there are going to be three major changes on the campus like the heating/conditioning, an outdoor pool, and a multipurpose gym. I don’t know how all of this is going to happen but each of these projects are going to take two years each to complete. I appreciate that the renovations of drinking fountains, heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning is the first priority and change the school is making in 2024-2025. I also like that Richter got another point of view from the staff and students. I like how Millikan’s Assistant Principal said that students would go to school on site instead of off-site and would allow us to stay on campus while the construction is happening. I also agree with what the junior Micah Burrus said and how it’s going to be difficult to get to class with the construction going on. While I wish this construction happened before I got to Millikan, I am glad that the new generation of students in the next following years will get to experience the new campus when it’s done.
Mikaela Kamakana Gan
Mazen Mendoza • Dec 22, 2023 at 12:15 pm
December 22, 2023
Dear Corydon Editor
On Devember 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote the article “New Plans for Millikan.” I appreciate the obvious work that went into compiling information pertaining to the future of Millikan’s campus and as a school. To no fault of the author’s, as a Millikan athlete I hate that the pool, stands, and locker rooms are being updated after I graduate. Specifically for me, the pool that I use almost daily as a swimmer and waterpolo player. The pool, the indoor stands, and the building that surrounds it as a whole has needed updating since before I enrolled at Millikan, but is sadly being redone after I’m already gone in college. On the student side, I appreciate the upcoming addition of new heating, cooling, and ventilations systems across the campus. There are certain sections of certain buildings that are always either too hot or too cold to be comfortable for hour and a half plus class blocks. You’re usually either sweating or shivering, and very often the room environment is the complete opposite of the outside, so on cold days when you’re wearing a jacket you need to take it off to be comfortable inside. Related to this, I also appreciate the updated water system making drinking water more available. As a whole I think the article is very well written, and the work put in to make it a valuable resource for students looking forward to campus improvements is very apparent.
Faith Mack • Dec 22, 2023 at 12:13 pm
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article details new additions to the Millikan campus that are set to begin soon. These plans include updating water fountains and locker rooms as well as adding a new outdoor pool, more bleachers, and converting the current locker rooms into an indoor, air-conditioned multipurpose gym. This article is well written and clearly lays out the tasks that are set to begin. I really like how the dates for the renovations are included in this article.
Personally, I would love to see these new renovations, however it is sad that I won’t be able to see them until after I have already graduated. Hopefully by adding a new multipurpose gym we will be able to increase the amount of people who are now able to lift weights since some athletes never get to go into the weight room. I’m also very excited to see more modern locker rooms. However, what will these locker rooms look like? How will we as a school maintain these updates? Regardless, these are very exciting developments that Millikan is sure to benefit from. Thank you for this engaging and informative article.
Orlando Mayorga • Dec 22, 2023 at 12:08 pm
This article had a very clear purpose in explaining renovations that will be done to the school. It is very interesting knowing what the school plans to do for the future students that will be attending the school. It seems as though the school district is actually taking initiative in upgrading and updating the much needed campus buildings. Especially the heating, ventilation, and cooling system. Earlier this year, there was an article that went into that and I think that everyone in the school knows that it is necessary for the future classes. The climate continues to heat up and the classrooms can become unbearable. I like that we were given a timeline even though most of us won’t be here to actually see the renovations. However, I do think that the incoming classes will enjoy the renovations. I would like to know what the purpose of some of the renovations are and where specific things would be placed. For example, I understand that the now pool would transform into a gym but where would the outdoor pool go? What would happen to the classes operating in the classrooms and how would they ensure that it will not interrupt with the student’s learning. Does the school and district plan on maybe reducing the amount of students that come into the school in order to better accommodate the lack of space during construction? Overall, I felt the article was very well written and informative. I look forward to more updates regarding the topic.
Orlando Mayorga
Mason Vanderburg • Dec 22, 2023 at 12:07 pm
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. I enjoyed reading this article because I can relate to the excitement around the new improvements we will see for our school. This article was very detail oriented and I felt like I was receiving the most updated news regarding the construction. One improvement that I am most excited about is the improved air conditioning units that will be implemented into all buildings. This will completely change our learning experience during the beginning and end of the school year when we experience heat waves. The heat is very distracting and I often find myself unable to concentrate on my work. Another update that I am excited to see is the outdoor pool. I have been in the indoor pool a few times and it has always felt cold and dark, so an outdoor pool would be nice for the warmer days. I wonder if the pool will be used less during the winter months of the year. I appreciate how the article recognized concerns for construction and its impact on our learning environment. I feel relieved knowing that this issue is recognized by the staff and classrooms will be relocated to help. While I am disappointed that I will have graduated by the time most of these renovations will be complete, I have younger siblings and neighbors that will get to enjoy these benefits.
Mason Vanderburg
Ryan Harlocker • Dec 22, 2023 at 11:07 am
On December 15, 2023, Allison Richer wrote an article titled “New Plans For Millikan”. Richer’s article gives much needed updates about the inside plans for the future of our school. She makes sure to include the given time estimates of these plans, and exactly what kind of updates are to be expected. I also admire how she took into account interviewing a current student to represent a common thought process among all students. Richter made sure to include his opinion that he hopes the new construction doesn’t interfere with trying to learn. I don’t have many corrections for this article as it took a very neutral approach. The only thoughts this article left me with is how the current classes will unfortunately not be able to enjoy what seems to be very exciting renovations. All in all, I appreciate this topic being covered as I have not noticed any advertisement of these potential updates.
Lilly Alexander • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:56 am
On December 22, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article informs us of the LBUSD’s plans to renovate and reconstruct Millikan. She tells us of what has already been started to change, which is starting with the water fountains. I like how she lists the specific changes planned to be made to Millikan. I also like how she introduces these plans by specifically stating “Here are the three major changes Millikan will have.” By doing this, the reader gets to know the specific plans for Millikan in the upcoming years. It was a good idea to interview other people to see what their opinions were about the reconstruction because it can give a sense of what a few people feel about this. These interviews help the reader to understand where other people stand on the reconstruction and help to show that many people are already aware of it. The overall article is good because it helps to spread awareness of what is going to happen to Millikan in the years to come.
Lilly Alexander
Danielle Hitt • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:54 am
On December 15, 2023 Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article goes over all new additions Millikan is expecting. I enjoyed how this article not only mentioned plans that will be happening far into the future, but also plans that are happening very soon that current students will experience. For example, she mentions that water fountains are expected to be updated within the next year. She then also mentions how a construction for a multipurpose gym is going to be added during the years 2028-2029. I also enjoyed how she interviewed a student for their input on the future construction. It is important to realize that construction will be a hassle for students, so I like how she made sure to get their viewpoint as well. All in all, I really enjoyed this article. I thought it was really well written and does a great job at summarizing all the future plans for Millikan.
Coden kitajima • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:51 am
December 22, 2023
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 22, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. An article briefly covers the quality of life changes to the Millikan campus. Many news articles cover prevalent topics such as politics or a wildfire disaster occurring across the country. You watch it. Then you forget it. However, very rarely, do you encounter news that feels like it affects you. That is the main appeal of this article. It provides local news that gives the reader an incentive to care about it because of its direct impact on the people reading it. Unlike other news which became mindless quickly, I actually listened to each of the individual changes such as additional ventilation or changes to water fountains to understand what I might expect in the future. These changes are not only well documented and professionally presented but are given meaning because I have seen these changes take place in person. Overall, I am glad this article exists and wish Richter the best of luck in her future endeavors.
Coden Kitajima
Amanda Zorick • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:49 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article was extremely well written and provided a lot of new insight about the updated Millikan plans that I have heard whispers about since my freshman year. I thoroughly appreciated that the plans for the school were bolded because it drew my eye to the concepts. As my eye was drawn to these important concepts, I could clearly see when then the plans were expected to be set into motion because of the clearly cited years they were supposed to take place. I would have loved to have more insight into the plans for Millikan outside of the sports department like the updates that we will see within the arts facilities or if we will not get any at all. Overall, it was an extremely informative piece that I will definitely be coming back to in the future.
Eileen Vuong • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:49 am
This article provides a great informative update on the future renovations for Millikan mandated by the district. I remember there was an earlier article regarding the ventilation and heat that students had to bear during the beginning of the school year, so this article is a great update on the district’s plans to combat those issues. Richter did a great job of highlighting details that some students look forward to such as mentioning, “[N]ew heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning…” By putting these words in bold, it provides a great emphasis on attributes that students want to be implemented. Richter also adds opinions from Millikan students regarding the new plans which provides a nice outlook on a few perspectives or views.
I’m pretty jealous of new students that get to experience these renovations. Surely, by the time these plans finish, I would have already graduated. However, I’m glad that LBUSD is taking action to continue improving Millikan’s school conditions in order to meet students’ needs and qualities of life at school. This article was an enjoyable read.
ella • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:47 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”.
Richter does a great job of giving the timeline for all the upcoming projects Millikan will be expecting in the years to come. Her interviewee’s answer was very interesting to me because I wouldn’t have even thought about the relocation that the classrooms would have to go to. Allyson does a great job of getting multiple perspectives on this issue. She not only interviewed a fellow classmate but also the assistant principal to get the word from someone with a higher power. Richter also does a fantastic job of introducing and giving some background information to the reader on what her article will be about in the first two paragraphs. I as well will have graduated by the time these renovations finish, but Millikan has a very nice campus to look forward to in the years to come.
Ella Burleson
Louella Kingman • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:35 am
This article was great, not only was it very well written, but it was also very informative. I appreciate that Richter wrote about this as it is extremely important for the student body to be aware of the changes that our campus will be undergoing in the next few years. I think the plans that were mentioned in the article all sounded very interesting and beneficial, but I also agree with the student Micah Burrus that Richter quoted. The inclusion of this quote as well as the quote from our assistant principal was a great way to give a window into the thoughts and feelings of the students as well as teachers and administration at school. Overall, this article was very good and an important topic as this will be affecting everyone at Millikan in the coming years.
Darren Tran • Dec 22, 2023 at 10:30 am
This article does an amazing job at going over the new changes that are going to take place in the future such as the new heating, ventilation system, and air conditioning. This is important because many students have been complaining about the heat problem already and this is an important step towards solving this problem. I appreciate how you gathered opinions from other people in order to see how other people think about the situation and how it may be troublesome to have construction go on while people are trying to learn in class. While it is concerning that some classes may be disrupted by the construction, I think that this is an important change that takes priority over that since this is something that will benefit everyone in the future. I think it is important to go more into detail about how important it is for these changes to be implemented and the worry of construction interfering with students should not lead to these changes be canceled. Overall, this article does an amazing job at covering the changes as well as gathering feedback from other students about the changes.
Isabel Antonio • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:57 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”.
This article is about how MIllikan’s campus is going to go through some major campus changes in the upcoming years. One thing I enjoyed about reading this article is that it was very informative. There was lots of evidence to back up what was being said which I appreciate because it lets me know when the renovations are happening and what exactly is going to be renovated. One concern I do have though, is the amount of time it’s going to take to get all the renovations done. Although I do think it’s great that Milikan is going to get an upgraded campus, no one wants to go to a school where construction is everywhere. While I don’t have any corrections for this article I do suggest that it may be helpful to state why they are deciding to renovate the campus just now. One thing I think really enhanced this article was the quotation from a Millikan student. It’s nice to see students appear in articles because it gives the reader something to connect and relate to and also is an accurate reaction to these changes since they go here. While reading the article I was upset the renovations were going to be done with once I already graduated, but I am happy for the upcoming students.
Mario Olivares • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:47 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter, wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”, This article was very good and interesting to say the least. I think some of the renovations are absolutely necessary like the air conditioning in each classroom. Some classrooms here at Millikan get really hot and uncomfortable to be in on a really hot day so I believe this was a renovation that needed to happen a while ago but glad it is happening now. I think the links and the way you added them was perfect. I was wanting to learn more about the locker rooms and the link allowed me to do so. I think it is an interesting concept to have boys and girls in the same locker rooms but there could be some concerns. I’m Also glad you added the dates on when this could possibly happen so that students here at Millikan right now know if this change will affect them directly or just future students. I would say that although the link added did add more knowledge to my understanding, I would have rather gotten the information from the article instead of having to open a new tab. All in all a great job, the article was good, quick , clear and precise.
Jonah McMurray • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:46 am
Dear Corydon Editor
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote the article “New Plans For Millikan”. Richter highlights major changes happening within our school which are extremely important. With some buildings not having air conditioning, the advancements Richter highlights are a necessary change in Millikan’s environment. Using real sources and pictures from Millikan, this article creates a informative perspective on Millikan’s new plans. As a growing school, this article is extremely relevant, showing examples of our growing community. Richter’s use of different perspectives of staff members, such as the assistant principal and a teacher, as well as a student perspectives, reveals the wide range of people being affected by Millikan’s plans.
This article is well written and extremely informative, bringing new hopes and ideas for the future of our school. Richter’s use of sources and photos as well as personal insight creates the framework for an informative article. This articles relevance to all people associated with Millikan shows Richter’s journalistic aptitude. I hope to see more informative articles that bring insight to Millikan’s environmental framework in the future.
Jonah McMurray
Camila Cortez • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:42 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Ritcher wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. Ritcher did an amazing job of providing new information about upcoming updates to the Millikan campus. She did an amazing job at providing pictures and information about current work being done on campus. I also like how she provided dates and what new updates are to come in the future. The use of providing a link to LBUSD’s Renovation and Construction page is a great addition to this article. It will help readers and intended audience members to research more on the topic at hand.
One thing I would have liked to see in this article is where the classrooms that are in the building during renovations will go. As well as another inclusion from a second student here on campus. Other than that, this is a great written informative piece that provides insight on new updates to the campus.
Stacey McLean • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:42 am
December 22, 2023
Dear Corydon Editor
On December 15, 2023, Alyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article was very interesting and informative as it goes over future changes and plans for our Millikan High School as well as other sites in LBUSD. The author uses images throughout the article displaying a water fountain that is being replaced as well as a mobile lift in front of the Blue Gym. Midway through the article, Richter references upcoming changes to Millikan such as an outdoor pool with bleachers as well as a new gym facility where our pool and locker rooms stand right now. I also appreciate the interviews done by the author to show what some of the students and teachers think of these soon to be remodeling jobs. The article was very concise but packed with tons of information and links to help those who didn’t fully understand references. Overall Richter did an amazing job as I was hooked until the beginning to end.
Stacey McLean
Jonathan Kelly • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:40 am
This article reminds me of another article that I read earlier in the year, that talked about the new heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems that are going to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year, so it is nice to know that the new ventilation system is going to be the only change happening around campus. However, similar to what I thought previously when reading the article about the new ventilation system, I am a little sad that the new plans to change this school are going to be implemented without me being able to see them all. Especially since each project is estimated to take about two years to complete, it means that for my senior year the school will be taunting me with changes that I have been waiting for about three years to come.
In contrast to the sadness I feel about missing these new updates, the new updates themselves seem to be very good additions. I am very glad that the 400, 200 and 300 buildings are finally not going to be budget microwaves at the beginning and end of the school year, and the new outdoor pool might bring more attention to some of the pool and water related sports like water polo. Adding a new gym is something that I wouldn’t say the school really needs, but it would still be nice nevertheless. The only question I have regarding these new renovation projects is where will the new locker room be? The website that goes over these new renovations doesn’t give any detailed plans regarding where exactly the new pool, bleachers, and locker rooms will be, leaving me a bit concerned about the convenience of their placement. But, since these will be implemented after I’ve graduated, I guess there isnt too much for me to be worried about.
Morgan Zimmerman • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:39 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. In the article, Richter describes the various construction plans LBUSD has planned for in the upcoming years. This article is very well written,laying out a timeline for the construction times, exactly what will be done, and the estimated time each should take. Reading this article was very easy, as the ideas and quotes flowed together effortlessly. I also liked the way Richter added a quote from a student with their opinion on the matter, and as a student, it was very nice to see someone with similar concerns as me. The quote from our vice principal was also a great touch, as she most likely has a good amount of knowledge on the subject and hearing what she had to say was refreshing and reassuring. I don’t have much criticism about the article as it was a very enjoyable read. It’s relatable to almost every Millikan student as many of us would love to see these renovations, but we are sad some of us won’t be able to enjoy them.
Morgan Zimmerman
Alyssa • Dec 22, 2023 at 9:30 am
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Ritcher wrote an article entitled “New Plans for Millikan.” This article does an excellent job of informing readers of the new changes coming to Millikan in the following years and how long each change will take (two years). Any student who is reading this article and attending Millikan in the years Ritcher lists, gives them something to look forward to during their four years at Millikan. By informing students about these changes, Ritcher is also informing readers that construction will be held soon at some of the buildings like the gym, non air conditioned classrooms, and at the pool just to name a few. Ritcher also notifies readers/students of the solution of what will happen when construction is done to these parts of the school. She tells her audience that they will be moved to temporary classrooms and by doing so she is letting them know that when the two years of construction take place they will not be in their usual classrooms.
Alyssa Carrillo
Joana Terriquez • Dec 21, 2023 at 1:56 pm
Dear Corydon Editor,
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richer wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. This article gives a amazing analysis on the upcoming events that are going to occur at Millikan high-school. Allyson give many details about the renovations and does an amazing job on informing the audience about what will be going on at Millikan in the upcoming years. The usage of imputing a link to LBUSD’s renovation and construction page is an amazing addition to the article due it helping the audience receive more information in detail if they’d like it. When bolding the renovations that will occur in the school, it helps the audience play closer attention and be more intrigued to the concept being brought up. The inclusion of another opinion from a current student at Millikan helps give different perspectives on the renovations and how it may affect them. Although the incoming classes will heavily enjoy the new renovations, many of the upperclassmen are disappointed that they wont get to experience the new renovations.
Joana Terriquez
James McCullagh • Dec 21, 2023 at 1:54 pm
December 21, 2023
Dear Corydon Editor,
On October 15, 2023, Allyson Richer edited an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. In the article, they go over all the new additions to the Millikan campus. They show some pictures of the water fountains that were just added. The writer of the article mentions that some new plans include new heating, ventilation systems, and air conditioning. Another thing that caught my eye was the plans of new “modern” locker rooms. I think it is crazy that the locker rooms are going to be made into one big community room with separate stalls. I think the locker rooms should stay separate but with separate stalls like the new ones. It might be a bad idea to have a big common room with both genders, but we’ll see how it goes. It is great that there will be changes to the classrooms, especially since the 200 and 400 buildings get very hot in the summer time.
James McCullagh
Robert Nelson • Dec 21, 2023 at 1:46 pm
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans For Millikan” . First of all I would like to say great job in the article. The article is very informative and explains the plans that are coming to millikan. I have to say, I love the addition and the remodeling of the water stations around school. As an athlete it is crucial that I am able to access water outside of the classroom and with the new stations I would now be able to get water without traveling to the stations located in the quad, stadium, or the 800. Second of all, I didn’t know of most of these renovations that the schools had planned out. I love the fact that they are investing in new complexes for athletics, with the rescind addition of the new weight room I would love to see what they do to the gym and the planned addition of the outdoor pool and bleachers.
Robert Nelson
Fiona Rowe • Dec 21, 2023 at 1:45 pm
December 15, 2023
Dear Corydon Editor,
On October 11, 2023 Allyson Richter wrote the article titled “New Plans for Millikan.” This article talks about the future renovations for Millikan high school. It smartly lays out the differing opinions on this new endeavor. Many students are asking why this matters to them as most students at Millikan, right now, will graduate before these renovations take place. Other students are pointing out the difficulty of having construction on campus. They point out the difficulty of having either classes move, or construction being in the way of classes. Richter very well highlights the opposing arguments of the issue.
Although I do love, and relate to this argument, I do think there are a few pieces that can be added. Other schools in LBUSD are getting renovations too. It would be beneficial to Richter’s paper if she compared the other schools’ renovations to ours. I know that schools like Poly and Wilson, for example, are getting renovations done on their auditoriums, whereas at Millikan, there has been no mention. By comparing the schools, one can better see which schools have the most beneficial renovations. At Millikan, my choir teacher has told us numerous times that we need a new auditorium, and yet, LBUSD has chosen to renovate our lockers.
Fiona Rowe
Jennah Martinez • Dec 21, 2023 at 11:53 am
On December 15, 2023, Allyson Richter wrote an article titled “New Plans for Millikan”. In this article Richter informs readers about future construction plans for Millikan. It is very interesting to not only be made aware of global events, but also events taking place locally. Millikan is a very vital part of many student\’s lives here, so they should be made aware of changes that will occur. It is also important to know that the school district tries their best to actively make education better for students.
It is also interesting to see how students view this future construction for the school. While this is a very big and much needed project, that doesn’t mean it does not come with its own inconveniences and Richter acknowledges that when interviewing students for their opinion on the construction. It will be a long and lengthy process, but the end result will be very promising for current and future students.
Alina • Dec 18, 2023 at 10:58 am
I’m jealous the new kids will get to enjoy and see the new renovations
Liam Neubauer • Dec 22, 2023 at 11:45 pm