CABE Learns From Millikan


Millikan welcomes CABE in Courtroom

Anjelina Nieto, Staff Reporter

The California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE) assists teachers from all over California in providing tools and resources to better their dual immersion classrooms. CABE is for everyone, parent or teacher, and promotes multilingual education through these conferences and different online platforms.

On Mar. 22, Millikan High School hosted CABE teachers and parents to showcase how heritage languages are taught in our world language classes. 

Coordinated by Millikan’s World Language Department head Grey Lange, CABE members first met in the 11000 building courtroom and listened to presentations on the demographics at Millikan and the unique classes provided.

FSS Student Panel

Then, the French for Spanish Speakers (FSS) student panel explained that FSS is an inclusive and uncommon curriculum and that Millikan is making language learning fun by providing new and interesting language courses. Each student shared their personal experience with the FSS heritage language class and answered any questions the CABE members had.

According to the LBUSD English Language Development Curricular Leader Alma Black, the purpose of these CABE conferences is to bring teachers together and provide them with ideas on how to implement modern dual immersion practices at their own school.

To learn these techniques, CABE members visited Millikan’s world language classrooms, such as the AP Spanish Language and Culture class to interact and see the students in action. 

“It was nice to hear the feedback [from CABE] on how well the students were interacting with the teachers, how well the teachers were interacting with the students, and how comfortable they felt speaking in their learning language,” Assistant Principal Johnathan Hayes said. 

Returning to the courtroom, teachers explained the struggles they are currently facing and Hayes and Lange shared useful techniques they have used in the past and that Millikan teacher are currently implementing. 

Whether it is lesson planning, parent participation, or new learning platforms, the teachers are here to learn because they care about their students’ education.

“I work with students who are long term English Learning (EL) students and I need techniques to help them transition,” said Val Bowman, EL teacher at Jacobsen Middle School.

“What I like about CABE is that it has workshops that build capacity around parent involvement and partnership,” LBUSD Parent Education Liaison teacher Martha Flores said. “Language is not a barrier and there are resources and a place for parents at the school where their student is enrolled.”

Engaged CABE members listening to the Millikan presentation

At Millikan, the CABE members gained a visual on how modern teaching techniques work and they can decide if they will use them in the future. 

“Now coming here to Millikan, I can see some of the programs our superintendent has implemented and I understand a little bit better what our school is doing,” Bowman said.

“It’s helped me a lot to see the different resources that are available and the different practices used here,” said Flores.

At the end of their conference, the courtroom was full of jokes and laughter and the atmosphere felt light. After a full day of learning and touring, the CABE members went home with new information to share with their students and hopefully enhance their education.