Midnight Mayhem
December 2, 2022
The new Taylor Swift album, “Midnights” was released on Oct. 21. Many fans were on Spotify counting down the minutes until the release of the amazing new album.
The album contains thirteen songs that Swift describes as, “thirteen sleepless nights.” But that is not all that Swift gave us. She released an extended edition of the album, “Midnights (3am Edition).” This edition contains the songs from the original album and seven FREE bonus tracks. Taylor had described some of the songs as sequels to other songs from previous albums.

A wall of albums at Target
COMPASS junior Taylor McDougal says, “I was extremely excited when I heard the news. We haven’t gotten a new album since ‘evermore’ and I was ready for something new. My favorite song is ‘Maroon’. I think people can relate to the album and its song ‘You’re On Your Own, Kid’ because it’s a very teenage era type of song.”

Fans were also excited when Swift started going on TikTok and filming segments which she called, “Midnight Mayhem.” There was one segment in which she held a red phone upside down. Fans started theorizing that a collaboration was coming. When the album was released, theorizers were ecstatic to see that the song “Snow On The Beach” was a collaboration with singer Lana Del Rey.
Since the album’s release and for the first time in years, the Billboard Top 10 has no male artists. And for the first time ever, the top 10 is just one artist: Taylor Swift. Twitter has been blowing up with this information due to her long standing reign as number one on the platform. Many people, whether they are fans of the influential artist or not, are hung up on the subject.
Either way, there is no doubt that this new release has already had a major impact on the world of music.
sophia brown • Dec 9, 2022 at 1:29 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem” The article describes Taylor Swift’s new album and the excitement surrounding it. This release was particularly successful since her last album was Evermore and she is definitely taking a different approach with this new album since it is very different from Evermore. I appreciate how you went into detail about the songs on the album and the different versions of the album that have been released. I also enjoyed how you added in an interview with a Compass Junior because it helps display that this album can be for a wide audience and variety of people. Along with this new release, she announced that she is going on a world tour and millions of fans tried to get tickets but were unsuccessful. This was mainly due to Ticketmaster not accounting for how many people would try to get tickets. Now, people are paying thousands of dollars to buy resale tickets. Taylor Swift has accumulated tons of albums, each unique and has their own vibe and something for everyone. However, there is something special about all of them that ties them together and brings you that special feeling that Taylor does so well.
Natalia Ramos • Dec 9, 2022 at 1:12 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnights Mayhem” In this article, Lloyd mentions the release of Taylor Swift’s new album, “Midnights” and how ecstatic fans were about the album. I think that Taylor Swift’s impact on the entertainment industry in the past 12 years has been noticed by everyone, being that she is constantly breaking records and making headlines. This article encapsulates what that album is about and how so many people have been able to relate to it. Fans were able to have fun and be anxious in the days leading up to the release of “Midnights” because of her implementation of an interactive way to release the track titles on TikTok with her “Midnights Mayhem” videos. This article truly shows her impact on the entertainment industry as it notes that she was able to hold the top ten spots on the Billboard Top 100 making it the first time that no male artist were part of the top ten. I also think that many of us have seen the impact that she had because of her ticket presales for her upcoming tour, “The Eras Tour”, crashing Ticketmaster, initially with the sales of the east coast tickets and eventually with the sales of the west coast tickets. The day that the presale went live over 14 million people flooded to Ticketmasters website with hopes to get tickets. This article was nicely written and it is exciting to know that there are people excited about Taylor Swift’s music at Millikan.
Isabela Menes • Dec 9, 2022 at 1:09 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article “Midnight Mayhem.” I appreciate Taylor Swift and her music although I don’t consider myself a hardcore Swiftie. I loved her music when she first started her career, classics like “Love Story” and “You Belong With Me”. While reading through the article I thought to myself, why are her songs so special and popular? When Lloyd interviewed Millikan student Taylor McDougal she had mentioned a sense of relatability especially to teens. So I decided to give her “Midnights” album a listen and here were my personal thoughts. After listening to a few songs and reviewing the lyrics I think my top two favorite songs were; “Maroon” and “You’re On Your Own, Kid”. Both of these songs seem to illustrate a hopeless romantic picture. This may seem to be a continued favorite by the teen crowd because of the relationships/connections many young adults desire. Thus, I would have to agree with McDougal not only is the beat lighthearted and joyful but the lyrics and story throughout the song is fun to live through while listening along. Something I would like to comment on as well is Swift’s use of advertisement. In Lloyd’s fourth paragraph she speaks about TikTok and the collaboration clues demonstrated through videos on social media. TikTok is a popular app used within the teenage crowd and can help Swift target her music towards the younger generation. One question I had about the TikTok segment though was the “red phone segment”, what does the red phone mean, why were fans theorizing a collaboration because of the segment? All in all I would like to thank Emma Lloyd for introducing me to the “Midnight” album, if it weren’t for this article I wouldn’t be as open to Swift’s newest music styles.
Tressa Schneider • Dec 9, 2022 at 1:01 pm
On December 2nd, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled, “Midnight Mayhem” about Taylor Swift’s new album, ‘Midnights’ and the popularity it has gained. Although I am a Taylor Swift fan, I think the article did a great job at laying out her new album for people who have not kept up with her in recent years. The article also informed me that for the first time in years the Billboard Top 10 has no male artists. I think this article was released at the perfect time with Taylor Swift’s concert tickets recently being sold. I am wondering how the majority of Taylor Swift fans are feeling about the long process of getting concert tickets, considering how hectic Ticketmaster was for so many users, and if that will reflect poorly on Taylor Swift. The article interviewed Taylor McDougal who favors the song ‘Maroon’, and that song is definitely in my top three songs from her new album along with ‘Snow on the Beach’ and ‘Midnight Rain’. I know that many Taylor Swift fans are also looking forward to Lana Del Rey’s new album so it will be interesting to hear more new music. This article did a great job at highlighting Taylor Swift’s recent album and charting updates.
Katherine Williams • Dec 9, 2022 at 12:59 pm
On December 2nd, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. The album details popstar Taylor Swift’s recent album release of “Midnights” on October 21st. The article mentions Swift’s description of the album as thirteen sleepless nights, which makes me curious as to how the album itself was written/produced. Are all of the songs related or tied together in some manner? Swift’s previous albums such as Evermore and Folklore have deviated from her typical pop style, and were indie albums. Does the newest album follow the same route, or has she returned to pop music? I’m interested in learning more about her “Midnight Mayhem” segment on Tiktok. Was this her advertising the album prior to its release? If so, what methods did she use? I’m also interested in the revenue from this album, as it was very anticipated. Has there been a rough estimation on the revenue produced from this album? I really appreciate the author’s touch on Swift’s obtaining the Billboard Top 10, and highlighting that this is the first time in a while that no males have dominated this list. Thank you for enlightening me on the heavily discussed topic, as I now have more insight on the recent pop news.
Catherine Gentry • Dec 9, 2022 at 12:58 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem.” The article mentions the popularity of the artist, Taylor Swift, and the new release of her album, “Midnights.” As a seldom listener of American pop music, I have only heard brief mentions of this release and have only heard segments of the new songs from social media. I was surprised to find out that Swift held the top 10 spots on the Billboard Top 10. From my understanding, this is an amazing feat that really emphasizes the popularity and extended fan base of Taylor Swift. The article also mentioned fans’ anticipation of the new release and their excitement of the news. I found it interesting how Swift seemingly immediately released an extended version of the album. If this was the case, why did she not release them all together at once? Furthermore, I have also heard complaints about the collaboration with Lana Del Rey saying Rey’s part was almost nonexistent, which this article did not mention. This article certainly expresses the impact Taylor Swift has had on the music industry and on her fans all over the world. Because of this article, I feel compelled to try to listen to more of Swift’s music.
Brandon LaFleur • Dec 9, 2022 at 12:43 pm
This article talks about Taylor Swift’s new album and the impact that her music has had on the music industry. Lloyd talks about how Taylor has made history in becoming the first female artist to take up all the top 10 billboard spots. This means that for the first time ever there were no men in the top 10. I have not listened to Taylor Swift’s new album but I have heard many many good things about it. This article has really encouraged me to listen to it and hear this record breaking music and be able to enjoy Taylor Swift through her music. She interviews a girl named Taylor McDougal and she specifically mentions a song called “You’re On Your Own, Kid” and she describes the song as “a very teenage era type song.” This description has inspired me to listen to this song because I am curious to see if it is relatable to me. This article has really shown me how influential Taylor Swift is with her media connections across all platforms including Tik Tok and this article has really inspired me to listen to more of Taylor Swift’s songs.
Evan Murray • Dec 9, 2022 at 11:48 am
On Dec 2, 2022 Emma Lloyd wrote the article “Midnight Mayhem”. In it, she goes on to talk about Taylor Swift’s new album “Midnights”. I was already aware of the album but the article went on to show me how much of an impact it had on other students here at Millikan. I learned that on the album there was a collaboration between Taylor and Lana Del Rey. It’s stated in the article also that “…for the first time ever, the top 10 is just one artist…” which makes me a bit skeptical. I do think that it’s possible however because now we see crazy prices for her tickets ranging from normal box office prices to nearly $90,000. When she interviewed the student who talked about their excitement for the album, there was a mention of Taylor’s other album “evermore”. As someone who doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift, I think mentioning the year these albums release is good information for those who don’t know much about her music outside of the hits. Overall I enjoyed the article and it did a good job at informing me on Taylor’s newest hit album “Midnights”.
Melissa Mejia • Dec 9, 2022 at 11:06 am
The piece discusses the release of Taylor Swift’s newest album, “Midnights”. I enjoyed seeing that there was an article written about Taylor Swift. I liked that the author mentioned the excitement of fans during the “Midnight Mayhem” segments on TikTok. However, I think there could have been more details to describe what those segments were for people who are not familiar with “Midnight Mayhem”. Also, I believe that Swift had already announced that she would be collaborating with Lana Del Rey before the release of the album, so it was not much of a surprise for fans. However, it is true that there was a lot of excitement surrounding this collaboration. I think that including the drama surrounding tickets for Swift’s upcoming tour would have made the article even more interesting to read. I know that there was a lot of controversy during the presale period over tickets, so I think that is an event worth mentioning in the article. Additionally, I loved how Lloyd included some of Swift’s accomplishments with this album. Overall, I enjoyed reading the article, and I hope to see more like this one in the future. Great job!
Cailyn Delliquadri • Dec 9, 2022 at 11:04 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. The article is about Taylor Swift’s new album, “Midnights”. I have personally been really enjoying the album since it came out and it is cool to see an article about it. I really like how you included background information about the album and the meaning behind it. Like when you mentioned the “thirteen sleepless nights” and how Swift advertised and teased the album on TikTok. This helps appeals to a wider audience of people who might not know a lot about Swift and her new album. I also like how there was an interview included in the article. Getting someone’s thoughts on this really illustrates how fans felt about the release of this album and the songs in it. It was also cool that you included information about the speculation of a collaboration. “Snow on the Beach” was an amazing addition to the album and I love that she collaborated with Lana Del Rey. I enjoyed reading this article and I am curious about what you have to say about the Eras Tour. There has been so much drama with Ticketmaster and I know a lot of people at Millikan participated in the complete mess that was the presale. I think it would be fun to see a followup article about these issues.
Sabrina Lopez • Dec 9, 2022 at 10:43 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem.” I personally found this article really interesting because I lived through and kept up with the events while they were happening so it is cool to know what it looked like from afar and all summed up. I remember how excited I was when Taylor announced her album, and the excitement only grew when it turned out she was releasing a second part to the album. The 3 a.m. version of the album was some of Taylor Swift’s best writing. I totally agree with Taylor McDougall’s quote that “Maroon” is one of her favorite songs, as it was one of mine when the album was released. Now, my personal favorites from the album would be “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” and “Midnight Rain”. One of my favorite parts of the article was that the author remembered to highlight the achievements that Taylor Swift accomplished in the weeks after her album! It is so important to highlight and remember the accomplishments of artists, especially female artists in the music industry. I did want to know more about the author’s personal opinions on the Ticketmaster scandal, and who/ what the author thinks the songs are about! I really enjoyed this article. It might be one of my favorites from the Corydon so far!
Keira Ly • Dec 9, 2022 at 9:26 am
On December 2, 2022, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled, “Midnight Mayhem.” The article discusses Taylor Swift’s newest album and its featured tracks. Prior to this article, I’ve listened to Taylor Swift’s music, including this album. Initially, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the style. But, over time, some songs like, “Maroon,” “Labyrinth,” and “Snow on the Beach” grew on me. I liked “Snow on the Beach” the most based on first listen, but I wish Lana Del Rey got at least a verse in the song as it’s predominantly Taylor the entire time. I found it really impressive that Taylor was able to take the entire Billboard Top 10 with just one album. Having such an achievement like that must be inspiring to musicians and women across the world. I also liked how you talked about the extended version of the album. My favorite track from it is, “Bigger Than The Whole Sky.” I really like the interpretation of the song that it’s based on a miscarriage, it makes it a lot more meaningful in my opinion. Although I prefer songs from some of her other albums such as “Enchanted,” “The Way I Loved You (Taylor’s Version),” “This Love (Taylor’s Version),” and “Cardigan,” I do overall like this album.
Saneth Ibarra • Dec 9, 2022 at 9:10 am
On December 2, 2022 an article was published on the Corydon titled “Midnight Mayhem”. The article was written by Emma Lloyd and discusses Taylor Swift`s new album “Midnights”. Lloyd goes on to explain Swift’s intention with the album and its bonus songs. This was a very nice touch because it could make people that had never thought to listen to Taylor Swift now want to. It was also nice that Lloyd got a student’s view on the album. Getting a peer’s point of view on the album can cause others to want to listen to the new album even more. It was very interesting to read about what Taylor did leading up to the release date of the album. Lloyd’s description of Swift’s “Midnight Mayhem” was very insightful. It was also cool to read about all the accomplishments Swift achieved with this album. Prior to reading the article I had no idea that Swift took up the entire Billboard Top 10 and that was so cool to learn. It was very interesting to read about the fan’s reactions from the announcement of the album all the way to the release. Lloyd did a great job of describing how Taylor Swift fans behave.
Nataly Poveda • Dec 9, 2022 at 9:10 am
I was thoroughly intrigued by the title of this article alone. I am personally not too much of a Taylor Swift fan but I found this an interesting article discussing what happened when the artist released her most recent album “Midnight”. Music is one of my favorite pass times and I can relate to the reactions Taylor Swift fans had when the album was released. I found it particularly interesting that for the first time in years Billboard’s top 10 has no male artists. Even more interesting is that Taylor Swift fills all 10 top positions. It really helps me understand as an outsider the impact she has on her fans. This alone proves that this album has been quite successful already but I wonder what the writer would say on the tour subject. From the internet I have gathered that it has been quite difficult to obtain tickets, along with several other issues including reselling. I believe that this article stands alone beautifully, however, perhaps including the tour discussion would send it over the top. I appreciate this article for enlightening my view on Taylor Swift. Overall, this was an amazing article discussing the incredible successes of Taylor as an artist and the impact she has on every person that listens to her music.
Samantha Mills • Dec 9, 2022 at 9:05 am
The article talks about the album “Midnights” by Taylor Swift, and the excitement following the release. I like the pictures you had used such as the displays of her vinyls and CD’s, I think it very accurately represents how much Taylor Swift has grown in popularity. I like how you mentioned the fact about the Billboard top 10 and how it only consists of Taylor Swift, this is a huge accomplishment for any artist to achieve. This fact also goes to show how popular Taylor Swift has became as well as how dedicated her fanbase truly is. I do think though you could have gone into further detail about her other achievements as well as the history of her other albums and her process of rereleasing them, or how she was able to gain such a massive fan base and keep it growing throughout her entire career. Another event though that would also show the popularity of her album release would be the announcement of her tour as well as the first presale of the tickets. Due to the amount of people trying to buy tickets Ticketmaster had repeatedly crashed and it caused them to push back the presale. Otherwise I really enjoyed this article as it was well written and extremely relevant to most students at Millikan.
Alexa Palencia • Dec 8, 2022 at 1:44 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article about Taylor Swift’s newest album, “Midnights”. As someone who is not a Taylor Swift fan I found this article very interesting. I also thought it was clever to title this article “Midnight Mayhem” rather than “Midnights” because I know this album caused a lot of, well mayhem. I knew that she took over the Billboard top ten but I had no idea that this was the first time one artist took up all ten spots and that there were no male artists. I also like that they added an interview from a Taylor Swift fan and even added their favorite song off the album so others who don’t listen to her music can go check it out. Emma also goes on to talk about a fan theory involving a red phone and a collaboration, I think this was such a good detail to add because this shows how dedicated Taylor’s fans are. One thing I would have liked to see, was I know that she was releasing the titles to her songs on social media and I would have liked to know more about that since no other artists have put this much planning on an album release. Other than that this article and the pictures Emma Lloyd chose were great.
Alexa Palencia • Dec 8, 2022 at 1:43 pm
On December 2, Emma Llyod wrote an article about Taylor Swift’s newest album, “Midnights”. As someone who is not a Taylor Swift fan I found this article very interesting. I also thought it was clever to title this article “Midnight Mayhem” rather than “Midnights” because I know this album caused a lot of, well mayhem. I knew that she took over the Billboard top ten but I had no idea that this was the first time one artist took up all ten spots and that there were no male artists. I also like that they added an interview from a Taylor Swift fan and even added their favorite song off the album so others who don’t listen to her music can go check it out. Emma also goes on to talk about a fan theory involving a red phone and a collaboration, I think this was such a good detail to add because this shows how dedicated Taylor’s fans are. One thing I would have liked to see, was I know that she was releasing the titles to her songs on social media and I would have liked to know more about that since no other artists have put this much planning on an album release. Other than that this article and the pictures Emma Llyod chose were great.
Madalyn Flores • Dec 8, 2022 at 1:32 pm
On December 2, Emma Loyd published an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. This article gives information on the new successes Taylor Swift has accomplished since her new album Midnights was released and her strong fan base. As someone who listens to Taylor Swift it made me happy to read this article and see everything going well for her. She is someone who puts work into what she puts out to the public and it works out. I’m not surprised though, Taylor Swift has taken a hold on many people and has grown her fan base overtime to be one of the biggest i’ve seen. Recently she announced her tour and it opened my eyes to how serious her fans are and the emotional impact her music has made on some of these people. Her collaboration with Lana was something both artists knew would have an impact due to how large both of their platforms and fan bases are. I believe her placement on Billboard is well deserved and is something that will stick with her forever. Taylor Swift has always been kind to her fans and has gone through many obstacles regarding her fame or accomplishments. Thank you for sharing this article as I’m sure it’ll bring a sense of happiness or comfort to many students here at Millikan because of how many fans she has everywhere.
Jonah Gonzalez • Dec 8, 2022 at 1:10 pm
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. The article describes American singer/songwriter Taylor Swift’s latest album release “Midnights”. I appreciate the wording of the article’s title as it refers to the TikTok segments she filmed, and to the fans “on Spotify counting down the minutes until the release”. Only having a basic understanding of Swift’s music, I have a few questions, as I am not very versed in the topic presented. How many years before the album was released did the Billboard top 10 contain at least one male artist? In other words, how many years is referenced in the sentence “… album’s release and for the first time in years, the Billboard Top 10 has no male artists”? What is the genre of her music? Is there a common theme that appears throughout her releases? I am surprised to hear that she takes the Billboard top 10 entirely, as I’ve only heard one of the songs included in her newest release. I appreciate that you included Taylor McDougal’s perspective on the release, as it allows us to see that Swift’s music has reached a wide population. It was mentioned that “… this new release has already had a major impact on the world of music”, and I’d like to know the interpretation of the phrase “major impact”. How does this release have a strong effect on the world of music today, and how will the album continue to affect the world of music in the future? After reading this article, I am interested in further analyzing the data created by the album’s popularity, as well as musically analyzing the songs themselves. Thank you for teaching me about the statistics of the present most-popular album.
Marisol Covarrubias • Dec 8, 2022 at 1:03 pm
Even though I’m not a huge fan like others may call themselves, I do enjoy her music. I liked how in this article starts off showing off how hard Swift works with her music and what she has done and does do now. This article contains factual things about Swift’s new album. It was interesting to her that there were speculations about a collaboration with Lana Del Rey. I also liked hearing what other students thought about her album. I loved how Taylor McDougal not only did she say how excited she was about Swift’s new album but she also stated how some of the songs specifically “You’re on your own, kid” may be relatable to us teenagers now. It’s very impressive to hear that Swift made the top 10 and all of them being her. This was information I did not know because I don’t keep up with her because I’m not a big fan like that but I did enjoy reading this and learning these new facts about Swift and her new album Midnights. I very much agree with the last sentence because it seems to be that she did have a major impact in the music industry and it’s crazy to know how fast she had accomplished that
Metztli Lopez • Dec 8, 2022 at 11:36 am
As a huge Taylor Swift fan, it was entertaining to read an article about what a success the “Midnights” album release was. Swift is immensely popular right now and the buzz from her latest album is yet to die down, making it a very relevant topic for the students here at Millikan! I was one of the fans refreshing Spotify and counting down the minutes. It would have been helpful to give some additional context on what “Midnight’s Mayhem” was. A reader unfamiliar with Taylor or the album rollout, in general, may be confused about the purpose of the segments, which was to announce the track names. Something else that I enjoyed was the interview segment with a Taylor Swift fan at our school. In the future, it would be interesting to read an article about the chaos that was trying to get tickets! Especially with the recent announcement of a lawsuit put forth by Swifties towards Ticketmaster, I would love to learn more about that. I’m sure many fans on campus can relate to the heartbreak the ticket sale caused!
Joaquin Shin • Dec 8, 2022 at 11:23 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”, detailing the recent success of Taylor Swift’s latest album “Midnights”. Not being very familiar with Taylor Swift’s discography or latest hits, the article served as a great introduction to her recent style and ratings. She mentions that some of the bonus tracks can be described as sequels to previous songs, and I think that’s an excellent tool for an artist to use to create a more memorable story throughout the course of different albums. I’m also a fan of much of Lana Del Rey’s music, and I wasn’t aware she was featured on Swift’s new album. The article is very informational and the student input makes it feel more alive within the student community. This was a very detailed article and I’ll be sure to listen to the album myself soon.
Adora Vinhnee • Dec 8, 2022 at 11:15 am
Emma Lloyd never fails to come up with a piece of work that will catch the attention of many high school students. Taylor Swift is a beloved artist by millions of individuals, and personally I immediately clicked on her article when I saw the title. It does an excellent job of getting straight to the point, enticing her readers by giving a rundown on the contents of “Midnights” for those who may not be as informed with the topic. Furthermore, I really liked how Lloyd mentioned the way the new album broke world records for being on the Billboard Top 10 because it made me realize just how large Swift’s influence is on her fans. Although I like her music, I wasn’t as involved in the Tik Tok segment she held so this article informed me about how there was a meaning behind each song title as well as the collaboration that took place with Lana Del Rey, one of my favorite artists. Learning about how supporters of Swift’s music were able to infer and conclude the names of each song before they were even released was very interesting to see and I’ve never heard of such an involved fanbase. All in all, this article was worth the read and I genuinely enjoyed its contents.A
Dylan Ball • Dec 8, 2022 at 11:03 am
This article is about Taylor Swift’s new album “Midnights”. It shares very relatable stories to songs and messages that I think all fans can relate to. Personally, I loved evermore, but Midnights came as a surprise for me. I didn’t think Taylor would jump back into pop because she stuck to the same beat for two albums. I knew that all of Taylor’s new songs took up the top ten on the billboard, but I wasn’t aware that no other artists had done that before. I feel like this is a huge accomplishment for her and can’t wait to see when she will do it again. One thing I liked to add to “Midnight Mayhem” was how hard it was to get tickets for her tour. I was relieved to see that I got presale, however the stress I felt waiting in the queue was insane. Ticketmaster had to postpone the queue because fourteen million people were trying to buy tickets. I know many swifties can agree with me when I say that I was disappointed to see how poorly Ticketmaster handled this. Many swifties in the waiting line ended up ticketless because of Ticketmaster’s scandals. Anyways, I really enjoyed this article. I like how Emma always talks about music in her writings and look forward to reading more.
Ashley Tem • Dec 8, 2022 at 10:57 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled, “Midnight Mayhem.” The article mentions Taylor Swift’s release of her new album. The article was interesting and informative. I’m a fan of Taylor but I haven’t kept up with her recently so this article was perfect for me. When I read the article I was so surprised when I found out that Taylor Swift held all the top 10 spots in the Billboard Top 10’s. Personally I am a fan of her “Midnights (3am Edition).” I found that I could relate to many of her songs in that added bonus track. I absolutely agree with Taylor McDougal when she said, “ I think people can relate to the album and the song,” because Taylor’s lyrics tell the story of her songs and they really strike a chord with her teenage audience. When I first played the album I was so shocked when I heard “Snow on the Beach,” because I am also a fan of Lana Del Rey. The song was a great collaboration with two amazing artists. I so so so badly want to be able to attend one of her concerts but the issue with Ticketmaster and the price of the tickets makes me think I’ll never be able to go. I would love to be able to hear her sing, “The Great War” or “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve,” from her 3am album. I loved this article, it was engaging and informative at the same time. I hope to see another article like this. Do you think there will be another story like this about a different artist in the future?
Ari Farrell • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:36 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. This article encapsulates the excitement and how big this was for the superfans of the artist, Taylor Swift. This is because there hasn’t been a new album in many years as a person they interviewed had stated. However, I also heard about one of her concerts being super huge and selling out very very quickly. Maybe that should have been brought up as well as the concert was going to contain primarily songs from the new “Midnight” album. It was another huge craze for these fans and would have been a good complement to already showing how crazy people were for this Taylor Swift album and such. Something I wasn’t aware of that was interesting though was that the Billboard top 10 has no male artists for the first time, and it was all only one artist for the first time actually, and that is Taylor Swift. Even if you aren’t a proclaimed “Swifty” as many are, that is such an interesting dilemma that’s happened for the first time in the billboard top 10 history. It wrapped up this article nicely and overall I enjoyed the article very much, thank you.
Karina Coca • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:28 am
I personally liked this article as it was something new to see from The Corydon for me. The topic was something interesting and also something that I feel could entice the reader due to its popularity at the time. I also loved how she input a direct interview from a student at the school, as it added to a sense of credibility and connection to the audience. Something I feel she could have worked on though was adding a bit more to the text. I feel like it ended a bit abruptly and could have had more information regarding Swift and her new album. A suggestion I have could be maybe adding about how the ticket sales sold out extremely quickly and how that whole ordeal had gone. But, overall I feel that this was a very interesting and well-written article and I applaud Emma.
Leah Facterman • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:25 am
The article is about Taylor Swift’s new album “Midnights”. I love how well “Midnights” is described and how much detail the author put into showing the attention this album is getting. I agree that everyone has heard of this album regardless if you are a Taylor fan or not. I loved the “I love Taylor” picture that was used in this article. I thought it showed the fans support and was funny. One suggestion to show how much this album has blown up is to talk about the ticket sales. I know that a lot of people tried to get tickets but were unsuccessful. There were long Ticketmaster lines and many frustrated fans. I would also mention how tickets now are on resale for about $1000 dollars. This shows Taylor’s popularity and the insanity of this tour. I also think that when talking about how Taylor has all of the top tracks that you may want to mention some of her other accomplishments. Like the artist of the decade award. While this article was well written I think it could have been a little longer and gone into more detail about Taylor’s career, tour, and this album. It would have shown the impact that Taylor has on so many people.
alma • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:25 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem.” The story surrounds Taylor Swift and her latest released album “Midnights”. I love that Lloyd decided to write about this, however, I do think there was some information that was left out. First, In the second paragraph, Lloyd emphasized that the bonus tracks were free. Is it common for Talylor Swift to release bonus tracks that aren’t free? Why was this detail emphasized so much? Maybe this information is accurate, but there is no information added to ensure all readers know that. Second, in the fourth paragraph, about the midnight mayhem “tik toks” Taylor Swift posted, Lloyd failed to describe what exactly that was. Also, the collaboration was fully expected, due to the midnight mayhem episode, where she announced “Snow on the Beach” and noted that it would be featuring Lana Del Rey. Finally, I feel like there was a lack of information about the records that this album broke, and helped Swift break. For example, “Midnights” broke the record of most album streams in 24 hours. Also, this album helped Swift to become the most streamed female artist in Spotify history. This was a very good and relevant story, it’s just missing some details throughout.
Audrey Rodgers • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:17 am
On December 2, Emma Lloyd wrote an article titled “Midnight Mayhem”. The article talks about Taylor Swift’s new album, “Midnights”. Personally, I’ve always been a Swiftie and this album is one of my favorites from her. I was so shocked when she released the “3am Edition”, but I’m so happy she did. Also, I completely agree that people relate to some songs on the album. Taylor Swift has a way of writing such poetic songs and they always have deep meanings. To add on, I think her “Midnight Mayhem” TikToks were so brilliant and they were a great way to get people interested in the album. It was also such a unique way to release the track titles. I think it’s absolutely amazing that the album has been breaking so many records. When I found out the Billboard Top 10 was only songs from “Midnights”, I thought it was definitely deserved. I also agree that (fan or not) everyone is hearing about the news surrounding Taylor Swift and the album. I know for a fact that my entire family has heard me talk about “Midnights”. On an unrelated note, my top three favorite songs on the album are “Question”, “Mastermind”, and “Would’ve, Could’ve. Should’ve”! I absolutely loved this album and the article written about it. I have a few questions to ask! What do you think about the Eras Tour? What are your opinions on the Ticketmaster scandal? Lastly, what “(Taylor’s Version)” album do you think is next? I think this article is so well written and I was so happy to see a Corydon article about Taylor Swift!
Dalylah Mejorado • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:16 am
On December 8, 2022, Emma Lloyd wrote a short article dubbed “Midnight Mayhem.” In this article, she describes American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s newest album Midnights. As a fan of Swift, I was immediately drawn to the article once I saw the title. I’m thrilled to see the immense media coverage, love, and support that her newest album has received across various platforms. There are no words to describe how immensely proud I am of Swift’s stance as both an artist and woman. She blew the world away by snatching the Billboard’s top 10 with simply one album. This past year, Swift took home four trophies at the 2022 MTA European Movie Awards, Midnights became the most streamed album on Spotify in a single day, and shattered streaming and sales records throughout the globe. I agree with your statement that this newest release has and is impacting the music industry. Time and time again, Swift has demonstrated that she is a smart business woman in the industry. She has promoted the growth and success of other upcoming female artists through her music. With each record broken and each album released, not only does her popularity continue to grow, but so do the opportunities for women to thrive in the music industry. Thank you for bringing this fun and informative article to light!
Ethan Poirier • Dec 8, 2022 at 9:03 am
Though I do not follow her music it was interesting to hear about her new album and what it is based on. It was interesting to hear about speculations and collaborations that occurred within the album. I likely would not have known about this album if it was not for this article and perhaps I will go and listen to a few of the tracks on the album. It is also impressive to hear that Taylor Swift dominated the top 10 artists on Billboard. I think that she is one of the most influential artists of our generation as she has always had a very large fan base. I also find it interesting how the album is focused on appealing to teenagers, since Taylor Swift has been around for a while some of her fans have likely grown up since, and now she is appealing to the next set of teenagers coming through with her pop music. On top of that she is using the platform TikTok which I use regularly to spread her album which I see more and more artists doing now.