Following Foot-Steps to Greatness


PHOTO COURTESY OF: Aeres Orcullo, This is a picture of Aeres Orcullo that he feels represents his personality.

Arianna Garcia, Staff Reporter

“Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experiences and limitations,” wrote Scott Barry Kaufman in his “Why Inspiration Matters” article. 

Every person grows up having a role model or mentor, someone they can shadow and learn from. These inspirations can either have a positive or negative impact. Some find their role model so admirable that they go after similar goals, but for others, this is not the case. Being knowledgeable on someone who has made large mistakes in the past can aggravate one to want to make changes to fix what has been done.

COMPASS senior and ASB co-president, Aeres Orcullo, had inspiration coming from many different places and being one of the primary voices of ASB brings on many new responsibilities. He is in charge of  purchase order funding, fundraisers, performing meetings with board directors keeping the board updated with Millikan events such as prom or formals. 

What was it that got Orcullo into ASB in the first place? Pre-freshman year, he went into orientation eager and full of school spirit. He had lots of fun and enjoyed talking to the ASB leaders without even knowing who they were. Mid-freshman year, the old ASB director went up to Orcullo and offered him an interview to enter the program. After discovering what it was he was overjoyed with happiness and decided to take the interview. His bubbly personality got him a long way and he has been in ASB ever since. 

“It gives me another sense of belonging and comfort when I am not at home,” says Orcullo.

“Passionately unique” are just a couple small words that fellow ASB members used to describe him. He made it clear that his main inspirations were his parents. With his mom successfully attempting to teach him confidence and independence and his dad providing life lessons on how to be a kind and better person, he has developed into a well-rounded person with aspirations. 

A photo depicting Aeres’ uplifting and bubbly personality.

He passionately spoke about his plans after high school. “Currently I want to go to the honors program at LBCC and then transfer to UCI for a gaming program,” says Orcullo. His dream is to work for Riot Games, a very well known gaming company. This company has even created the most popular PC game known as “League of Legends”

Orcullo’s inspiration started as a kid when his creativity allowed him to draw and create many things. He started playing video games at the early age of 7 or 8, but it wasn’t until junior year that he was introduced to the job and instantly fell in love. 

Orcullo has support coming from all angles and with his inspirations by his side, he is sure to accomplish many great things.