Mind, Body, and a Well Needed Break

PHOTO BY: Alma Perez, A photo from the wellness center. It’s always a great recourse to use if your feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
June 2, 2022
As a student-athlete, it is extremely important to prioritize your mental health and well-being. Between school, practice, homework, and a balanced social life, there is little to no time for athletes to take for themselves. Often, athletes feel like they can’t stop, even when a break is necessary.
“Athletes need to be aware of when to take a break,” says Uresti. “Self-awareness is important.”
According to Mrs. Uresti, the Millikan social worker and head of the Wellness Center, student-athletes are more susceptible to mental health struggles because their time is more limited, but they still have so much they want to do.
“It becomes more challenging to prioritize yourself when you have other priorities,” says Uresti. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
It is necessary for student-athletes to prioritize their mental health before it is too late.

Another photo from the wellness center. A fish tank, courtesy of Andres Flores and his QSP
Since March, there have been three female NCAA athletes who have sadly decided to take their own lives. Deaths like these could cause a chain reaction, so please talk to someone before taking any drastic measures.
The most common phrases among family members of the athletes have been “she seemed fine” or “she never seemed to be struggling.” So don’t be afraid to open up. People want to hear your problems more than your eulogy.
If you are ever struggling to balance your athletic, social, and school life, and are looking for support, or someone to talk to, the Wellness Center is always open and available during all periods, lunch, and nutrition. If you need a break from anything, go to room 703. “At least once a week do something that you enjoy other than your responsibilities,” says Uresti. “Take a minute just to relax.”
Brenda Gallardo • Oct 20, 2022 at 9:57 am
On June 2, 2022, Alma Perez wrote an article “Mind, Body, and a well needed break”, the article mentions that students, especially student-athletes, are more susceptible to mental health struggles because their time is more limited. I believe this article really opens the mind of people because there are many athletes who sadly decide to take their own lives because of how busy and draining being a student-athlete can be. Being a former student athlete, I can say in order to prioritize both sports and your education, you have to be physically, emotionally, and most importantly mentally prepared for all the work that’s up ahead. I agree with this article in many ways, it states “Often, athletes feel like they can’t stop, even when a break is necessary.” and I can truly agree with this statement because when you’re dedicated to something it makes us feel like we have to keep on going even though our body sends us signs that we need a break. I also enjoy how the writer of this article adds solutions and measurements one can take in order if one is feeling drained. For example, it states you can go to the wellness center at school and take breaks and take time for ourselves. I really enjoy how more of this topic is being talked about and more people opening up to it, mental health is something I believe is extremely important in today’s society and should be brought up more especially in schools, where young people are trying to figure out what to do with their lives and trying to balance school work and other things like sports and anything that might be going on at home in their personal lives. Mental health is important and I thank you for making mental health a more common topic.
Brenda Gallardo • Oct 20, 2022 at 9:56 am
October 20, 2022
Dear Corydon editor,
On June 2, 2022, Alma Perez wrote an article “Mind, Body, and a well needed break”, the article mentions that students, especially student-athletes, are more susceptible to mental health struggles because their time is more limited. I believe this article really opens the mind of people because there are many athletes who sadly decide to take their own lives because of how busy and draining being a student-athlete can be. Being a former student athlete, I can say in order to prioritize both sports and your education, you have to be physically, emotionally, and most importantly mentally prepared for all the work that’s up ahead. I agree with this article in many ways, it states “Often, athletes feel like they can’t stop, even when a break is necessary.” and I can truly agree with this statement because when you’re dedicated to something it makes us feel like we have to keep on going even though our body sends us signs that we need a break. I also enjoy how the writer of this article adds solutions and measurements one can take in order if one is feeling drained. For example, it states you can go to the wellness center at school and take breaks and take time for ourselves. I really enjoy how more of this topic is being talked about and more people opening up to it, mental health is something I believe is extremely important in today’s society and should be brought up more especially in schools, where young people are trying to figure out what to do with their lives and trying to balance school work and other things like sports and anything that might be going on at home in their personal lives. Mental health is important and I thank you for making mental health a more common topic.
Brenda Gallardo, Grade 11