How to Apply for a Job

You can get help on how to apply for a job at the College and Career Center.
January 25, 2022
Are you looking to apply for a job? Lots of places are hiring right now and getting a job can be a great way to make quick money, get life experience, introduce yourself into the workforce, and prepare for life down the road. If you’re interested but need help figuring out the process, we are here to help!
1. Step one of applying for a job is creating a resume. In order to create a resume, you can use a template from Word, Google Docs, or you can even find one online. After that, fill out as many fields on that template as are applicable to you. This can include past part-time jobs, like baby-sitting, or even volunteering hours. If you are going for a job in a more specialized field, try to list skills and awards you have related to that field. If you speak multiple languages, put that down as well! Employers look for extra talents such as these. References are often required on the applications and there are many options available to you. This could be your teacher, counselor, or coach. Make sure that the person you are listing as a reference is okay being listed before you put their name down!

2. After creating a resume, it’s time to start applying. The first step in this process is finding places that are actually hiring, which you can do by looking on websites such as Indeed, looking for signs posted, or asking someone who works there. However, do not apply just anywhere. Take into consideration a few factors: would you be able to transport to the job easily? Would you be comfortable performing all the tasks? Would it conflict with other activities you have? Once you’ve found a few places where you’d like to work, you can apply in one of two ways: either apply online through the company’s website, or go directly to the place you wish to work and apply there. You may also find their application online, and turn it in in person. Oftentimes nowadays applying online will yield better results, but following up in person can help cement you in the minds of the employers. They might remember you for your enthusiasm and proactive behavior when choosing who to hire. Typically if a job isn’t planning on hiring you, they either won’t contact you again or in some cases they might send you an email or give you a phone call saying that they are not able to hire you at this time. If a company does want to investigate you further, they will typically contact you asking for an interview.
3. Interviews can be intimidating at times. Make sure to be prepared. Print out your resume and bring a bag in case the hiring manager gives you any papers. Make sure to dress professionally. If the interview goes well, the hiring manager will contact you either through phone or email
4. Once you’ve been hired, if you are under the age of 18 you will need to get a work permit. You can do this by going to the College and Career Center here at Millikan in the 11000 building and asking for a work permit. Ms. Anais Rocha from the College and Career Center says that “you pick up your work permit from Ms. Yvette and then she’ll give you the application.You sign it and then your manager signs it.” Take this back to your employer for them to sign, take it to your parent/guardian to be signed, and then back to the College and Career Center to be approved. After that, congratulations! You have a job and on your way to make money!
Randy • Jan 28, 2022 at 12:40 pm
Jayden • Jan 28, 2022 at 11:15 am
This was very informative and gives me some understading and insight of what applying for a job is like.
Ramsey Priebe • Jan 28, 2022 at 10:13 am
It is well written and informative to people looking for a job and gives you specific information that helps.