Coming Soon to a Runway Near You

PHOTO COURTESY OF Advanced Fashion Students: Here are a few mood board that the advanced fashion students have created in preparation for the spring fashion show
January 25, 2022
Picture this: fairies, mystic forests, twinkle lights, and pixie hollow–think, Enchanted!
Millikan’s fashion program is already undergoing preparations for its annual fashion show coming to you this May. The theme this year is “Enchanted” and if you take a look into room 404 you can expect to see fashion students of all levels making mood boards and creating their first garments to be used in the show.
Ingrid Palsgrove, the fashion teacher here at Millikan, went over exactly how much goes into the prep for the show.
“The actual show month we have rehearsals about three times, [the students] are making garments, they’re getting models, designing the clothing, the outfit, and their ideas,” stated Palsgrove.
She goes on to say that once the date gets even closer, the fashion students will choreograph routines for their models, most of which are the designers’ close friends and peers.
Club Co-President, Gracie Veith, QUEST junior states, “As presidents we are preparing for the fashion show by having regular meetings with the class.”

Photo depicting advanced fashion in their black out day homecoming outfits.
Veith continues by stating that to further insure details of the show, the presidents are working with the class in groups and even as a whole to plan and design the show and finalize the details, as well as work out all of the kinks.
So what are the designers doing now? Well, since the show is still a few months out, the beginning and intermediate designers are just starting to create mood boards and plan their designs, while advanced fashion students have just finished their first pieces and designs for the show.
“Besides getting to see the students’ work, I’m looking forward to the show returning after two years,” states COMPASS junior and other Co-President, Genesis Perez.
The show is set to be on Thursday May 19 at 7:30 p.m., outdoors here at Millikan. Entry is free so mark your calendars and set yourself a reminder to come support the fashion students in “Enchanted!”
Rose Schafer • Feb 3, 2022 at 3:21 pm
In Issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”. This article describes the annual fashion show that happens at Millikan. This year the show will take place in May and the theme will be “Enchanted.” I really like this theme and I think there will be some awesome pieces in the show. There’s a lot you can do with the theme of fairies and enchanted forests. I’ve always thought having a fashion show was cool, but knowing the theme of this year’s show really makes me want to go and see it. The students and staff put so much work, time, and effort into this, it deserves to be seen. I couldn’t even imagine where to start if I had to design an outfit for someone to wear on a runway. On a slightly related note, maybe in a future article, write about the new dress code and how it allows students to better express themselves. The new updates to the uniform code have been a part of most of the student conversations this past week, and I think it would be interesting to read an article about the subject.
cass • Feb 3, 2022 at 10:49 am
In Issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article entitled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You” The article mentions the fashion runway show taking place here at Millikan High School in may. Prior to the article I was unaware of the exact date the fashion show will take place on. I still have some questions that can be answered by my fashion teacher, Ingrid Palsgrove, that can take place on the next odd day. Can students attend the show? Will the show be taking place at lunch or after school? When do the other students and I have to start focusing on making our garments? Thank you for the input on spreading the word on our show that takes a lot of work to put together.
Eliz Barsikhian • Feb 1, 2022 at 12:08 pm
In issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”, which talks about the Millikan’s fashion program annual fashion show. This article goes into depth on the theme of the fashion show, “Enchanted”, and it shows how much preparation goes into the fashion show. This fashion show is said to take place on Thursday May 19 at 7:30 p.m. I like how the editor incorporated all levels of fashion as well as the Co-Fashion President’s input. Also, it was good to know all of the preparation and work that goes into the finished product, such as the mood board, finding models, creating choreography, and more. However, if a student is not in the Millikan Fashion Program can they still be models? And if so, how do they sign up to become one? From what I know the theme is Enchanted but the students can explore broader themes like Diversity, Culture, Trend Blend, Avant Garde, etc. Since the themes to choose from are all so different, I am very excited to see what the fashion students come up with on the runway after two years of having to cancel the show.
Julissa Flores • Feb 1, 2022 at 10:40 am
In Issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”. The article mentioned that there will soon be a fashion show held by the Fashion Club in room 404 where students are preparing themselves by creating mood boards and garments. The theme for this year’s fashion show is “Enchanted”. I myself have been part of the prior years fashion shows and I think it is great that they are really promoting it this year. I do feel as if it should be more portrayed that the Fashion Club is for all genders and not a thing that girls are typically interested in. I do know also that the fashion show theme is very open meaning it isn’t just based on the theme “Enchanted” but students are able to do sub categories or even some students have the chance to do something completely opposite from the theme. I feel as if the school just wants students to really be able to express themselves. My only concern is that does this event cost money to attend? How much is typically getting spent by the school to set up this event? Does the Fashion Show consist of all levels of experience and talent? Thank you for informing Millikan students about this event.
Samantha Torres • Feb 1, 2022 at 10:32 am
In issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022) Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”. The article talks about how Millikan’s fashion program is already preparing for the spring fashion show in May. Each year Millikan has a huge fashion show at the end of the year where students are able to showcase all of their hard work. This year’s theme is “Enchanted” and being a student in the fashion program, I am very excited for this year’s show. I am hoping for a fabulous show this year but I am concerned if we are going to be able to have it. Back in 2020, our show “Tagged” was canceled due to the covid lock down and we were all devastated. From my understanding, everything should go as planned and I can’t wait for everyone to see the show. It is barely the second semester and fashion students are already preparing and working hard to create looks. I am currently working on my first garment but I am curious as to what other students are working on. We have some very talented students in our classes and I think this is a show that no one is going to want to miss.
Alicia Escobar • Feb 1, 2022 at 10:14 am
In Issue 1/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”. This article explains Millikan High School’s runway show theme of this year! Sophie Bright explains how the theme is anything Enchanted from pixie hollow, fairies, twinkle lights, mystic forests, and more. This fashion show is the biggest project for fashion students to participate in. The Millikan Rams designers prepare for this special moment by rehearsing about three times and they even choreograph the models’ runway walks. Prior to this inspiring article, a few questions spark my mind. Since the designers are choreographing their model’s poses, will they also choose music of their choice to fit the walk? Also, what will happen to the garments after being presented on the runway? Do the models keep the attire or will the designers be able to add their garments to their portfolios? I’m so extremely excited to see this very own fashion show come to life. It is an honor to be able to be a very own designer in this fashion and I can not wait to see it live. Thank you Mrs. Ingrid Palsgrove for inspiring young Millikan students to carry on their fashion capabilities and for feeding your students with great confidence.
Alicia Escobar
Taylor Thompson • Jan 31, 2022 at 12:15 pm
In Issue 1/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright published an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You”. The article informs us that Millikan’s very own fashion program is preparing for a fashion show in May. The theme of this year’s show is “Enchanted” and will be at Millikan May 19, 7:30 pm. From my own understanding, there are multiple themes for Millikan students/designers to choose from including Imagination, Diversity World Culture, and Trend Blend. Although “Enchanted” is the main theme of the show I am excited to see the other themes as well. Mrs. Palsgrove, Millikan’s Fashion teacher, goes into the details of what the students have to do for the fashion show. This includes preparing for the garment itself which starts off as an idea into a mood board, which eventually will be walking down the runway. The designers also must have choreography for their model(s) to walk down the runway by may. In this article Fashion Club Co- president, Gracie Veith, explains that they all (the students) work together as a whole to make the runway work. Since the theme is rather broad, I am very excited to see what kind of garments Millikan’s creative fashion designers will create.
Jannette Rodriguez • Jan 31, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Dear Corydon Editor,
In Issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You” which talks about the sensational yearly fashion show created by the talented fashion students. This issue elaborates on the theme and product of the actual show. However, it leaves students wondering, how can other students get involved in this? How could students possibly make this grow into something bigger, in a way that the hard work of all fashion designers can be displayed so more people can see and witness it. The fashion designers work incredibly hard to pull off the fashion show that takes place in May, as well as the volunteers that model the clothes. What can students do if they’re interested in participating as models in the fashion show? Friends of designers are welcomed and can be a part of the show, however other students are left wondering if they are able to participate as well. Many students and staff are eager to see this show, including older fashion students. It is unknown to alumni whether they are good at something they haven’t tried. It is of question if there can be a way to include more students in extracurricular activities such as this. It can also be suggested that there be workshops where students are able to see what the class is about and tell whether or not they enjoy it. Options like this are extremely important in the growing of the program.
Adrian Acosta • Jan 31, 2022 at 11:58 am
In Issue 4/2022 (published January 25, 2022), Sophie Bright wrote an article titled “Coming Soon to a Runway Near You.” This article mentions how the Millikan fashion program is having an annual fashion show in May. The theme is “Enchanted” type and it undergoes the different aspects and what goes on in the Millikan fashion program. In the article it states how the club has daily meets and are preparing themselves for the annual fashion show that is in May. In the article Ingrid Palsgrove, the fashion teacher says, “The actual show month we have rehearsals about three times, [the students] are making garments, they’re getting models, designing the clothing, the outfit, and their ideas.” This illustrates how hard the students in the club are working for, for the annual fashion show. It also indicates how much time, effort, and preparation the program has to undergo just for the annual fashion show to be at its best. Furthermore, the designers are now starting to create the mood boards and plan their designs which is spectacular because having things like that are great aspects to have in the annual fashion show. Furthermore, knowing that after 2 years the annual fashion show is coming back, a lot of the students are looking forward to the annual fashion show to happen!