Each year, Millikan High School’s Drama Program presents their fall play, and this year it was “Clue”. The play was a comedic, chaotic, and excitement filled show that the drama department executes each year.
Clue is the classic board game brought to the stage telling the tale of six guests invited to a dinner party by an unknown host. The guests include Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum, and Miss Scarlet. They are welcomed into the host’s mansion to be greeted by the unsuspecting Butler Wadsworth. The group of guests are brought an ultimatum. The dinner guests have to pay double in hiding their blackmail or to murder the butler! With this, the guests and those involved go through a night of terror, excitement and plot twists!
Mr. Bradecich, the Drama teacher and director of “Clue”, says, “I felt like the process of putting the show together timed out perfectly, that they were ready for an audience at the ex
act moment we had an audience.” He also expresses How proud of all those involved in the play!
It is a very interesting production to put on because it was only open to those in the drama department. Therefore, those who didn’t audition ended up helping out in costumes, makeup, etc.
Stage crew also had a role in the success of “Clue”, building the sets. This production had two casts, which gave the audience a chance to see each actor’s talents and their unique acting styles.
Colten Simmons, a junior in COMPASS, played Mr. Green for the gold cast and had a blast playing this fun and dashing character. Simmons talked about the ways he got himself prepped for the role saying, “I amped up all of my nerves during the shows and show weeks. I’m just gonna react more than I actually am acting.”
Ellie Conn, a senior in COMPASS, played Professor Plum for the blue cast. She discussed how fun it was to watch her fellow cast mates and see their way of performing their role as well as connecting with the cast. She says, “After I saw [the cast] multiple times a week I got used to them and got to know them, it was really fun.”
Madison Caceres , a junior in COMPASS, played the motorist in the blue cast and she talked about how unique it was for her to play this role because of how she had to prepare for it. “My character was on stage for the entirety of the intermission which is really unusual for a show,” she says, but expressed how much fun she had doing it.
The process of choosing the school plays includes the Play Production class to split up into groups, Each group reads one play and if they think it shouldn’t be the school play they move on, but if the group thinks it should be the play they present why it should be the school play. Afterwards, the Play Production class votes for which play to put on.
This production took many people’s efforts to be a success with how complicated and complex this show is, not just for the actors but also the behind the scenes team.
Delanie Palumbo, a freshman in SEGA, who was a stagehand for “Clue”, talks about how much time it took to bring this show together. “I was there every single night for rehearsals and was there for every show which lasted up to two weeks from 4:45 to 9:00 pm.” She also talks about how much fun she has being on stage crew and having the chance to build sets for these shows.
Salisa Chantori, a senior in PEACE, was the Crew Head of Hair and Makeup. She says, “I’m grateful for all the opportunities that I have gotten through Play Production, I’ve been able to grow through the program with different leadership roles and be able to learn a lot from different people.” She emphasized how grateful she is to have been able to be a part of this crew. “Clue was a great start for a lot of our new students.”
Stay up to date on Millikan Drama’s Instagram page to get updates in regards to the Spring Musical!