Hello Rams! Welcome back to Concert Capsule, where you live the music through the writing. I am back to recap the casually hypnotizing and radiantly magnetic Charm Tour by Clairo.
To say I was anticipating this concert with every bone in my body would be an understatement. Clairo is known at a surface level for indie-pop hits “Pretty Girl” and “Sofia,” but if you begin to extract the layers album by album, you will find a discography filled with sheer excellence. The vulnerability found in “Sling” is responsible for polarizing me into becoming a fan of her music. In addition, I have embarrassingly already totaled over a thousand plays across tracks included in her newest album “Charm.”
So yes, I was excited.
Clairo would debut the tour with a 5-day residency at the Los Angeles Fonda Theater. I shamelessly made sure to attend the third night of the residency because as they say, the “Third Time’s The Charm.” I had purchased a general admission pit ticket and once let in from the queue, I managed to be only five rows from the stage.

Opening the show with “Nomad” and “Second Nature” would reveal a decision to switch up her song’s orchestral landscape for the concert, differentiating them from their original instrumental melodies.
I was living for the change in production! I felt that the transition of sound rebirthed these songs into a jazzier environment previously unexplored. Something I always admired about music was its ability to be broken down and rebuilt into something just as beautiful.

Continuing the renditions into her older catalog, she’d perform “Flaming Hot Cheetos” and “Softly.” Flaming Hot Cheetos landing itself a spot on the setlist spawned a surprised uproar from the crowd. In a previous touring cycle, Clairo had a running joke of having a fan from the crowd combat her in a game of rock paper scissors, if the fan claimed victory, she’d perform the beloved song in honor of them.

Back to the concert at hand, she’d perform “Add Up My Love,” one of my favorites off the new record. The songwriting in the song is enriched by the emotions that are rooted from questioning; belittling herself over whether her devotion is ever enough for someone else. As an audience, the crowd showed out especially for this song, chanting on chorus by chorus, verse by verse, and lyric by lyric.
She’d later credit us for our glee, “Y’all are the best crowd so far.”

As much of a good time I was having, once the heart-imploding trilogy of “Slow Dance,” “Partridge,” and “Pier 4” began, a tear or two admittedly streamed down my cheek.
It could’ve been the fragile resonation I had built to Partridge in the growing years of my life, or maybe the feeling of abandonment that is portrayed in the lyricism of Slow Dance, or perhaps the utter soul-bearing chorus of Pier 4 that never fails to make my heart feel like a boxer’s personal punching bag, but in the heat of the moment, this triple-feature stuck out to me. Nonetheless, this only proves Clairo’s ability to extract emotion from a listener, showcasing her strength as a music composer.

Enough of my weeping, Clairo made me wanna go dancing! Choosing to close the show with her recent hit “Juna” exceeded what was already an amazing show. Out of any performance throughout the night, without a doubt, this was the most special. I filmed a video of this performance with my tiny point-and-shoot camera and due to its older technology, the video manufactured itself with a comically loud bass. As I found the end result hilarious, I uploaded it online. Little did I know, the video would amass over 2 million views on TikTok, leading to Clairo herself viewing, liking, and reposting my video on the social media platform.

I have been charmed! Clairo’s jazzy production made for a bewitching show on all accounts. Hearing these songs live in such an intimate venue will be remembered as echoes in my mind, cherished for lifetimes. Until next time, Charm Tour!
Lauren O'Connell • Jan 16, 2025 at 9:41 pm
On January 10, 2025, Ian Henriquez wrote an article titled “Concert Capsule: Clairo”. Henriquez does a great job of capturing the essence of the Clairo concert, from the music to the emotions felt by those attending. Even for those who may not listen to Clairo he provides a well developed description of her style of music. I appreciate the personal touches he adds to this piece, as he explains the mix of feelings he went through the night. As he compares her gentle and delicate songs like “Slow Dance” to her more upbeat dance songs with her big hit song “Juna.” Clairo has a fragile soothing voice that I could practically hear as he described this concert. I envy Henriquez because I would love to see “Pier 4” performed live because it is one of my personal favorites. I am really enjoying this series of Concert Capsules and cannot wait to read more of these. Great work!
Cecilia Ribas • Jan 14, 2025 at 7:43 pm
What I have to say is just: wow! Henriquez does a phenomenal job at making the audience not only understand Clairo’s music and lyrical geniality, but he truly makes a reader feel as though they are in the crowd as well with the sensationally detailed imagery. Henriquez takes us through the perfected setlist of the night, with proper explanations of what the songs not only just mean, but what they mean to him. It gives the readers the ability to learn what the song is about, and create their own personal ties with the song and its relatability. Henriquez takes us through the whole journey of the rollercoaster of emotions that is a Clairo concert, leaving readers wanting to read more as well as go to listen to Clairo for themselves. He truly captivates what it means to be an amazing performer, and gives reasons for why Clairo is one of the best. He leaves readers relating to the reactions to Clairo songs, from crying to getting up and dancing. I have to say one of my favorite songs off of her newest album “Charm” is “Add Up My Love,” as well! This article did an exceptional job at “charming” readers on what it feels like to have been at the Clairo concert through words.
Jorany Chim • Jan 14, 2025 at 3:03 pm
Henriquez takes readers along for Clairo’s Los Angeles residency and writes with such detail that it makes one feel as though they were at the tour for themselves! As someone who had attended night two of the Charm tour, I give praise to the talented writer for bringing back memories of such an amazing show. Henriquez manages to describe Clairo in such a way that is perfectly on par for the theme of her album while encapsulating the feeling her music makes people feel! She does indeed make people wanna dance.
Henriquez’s commentary of Clairo’s older songs including “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos” and “Softly” brings readers who have been fans of the artist before her release of “Charm” back to a scene of nostalgia. His commentary is thoroughly amusing and enjoyable. Henriquez writes with evident passion. His reliability of being a fangirl and shedding a tear the moment Clairo sang “Pier 4” creates a resonance among readers with the writer. His unashamed love for music and Clairo makes me want to keep reading more of his concert capsules!
For readers who are not familiar with the music of Clairo, Henriquez captures the essence of her jazz meets indie-pop music in a way that would definitely send them straight to go stream her latest album! I applaud Henriquez for his talent and true love for what he does.
Eliana Brion • Jan 14, 2025 at 1:27 pm
On January 10, 2025, Ian Henriquez wrote an article titled “Concert Capsule: Clairo.” Henriquez attended Clairo’s Charm Tour which debuted at the Los Angeles Fonda Theater. Personally, I envy Henriquez because I am an avid listener of Clairo and have been wanting to attend one of her shows.
Henriquez does an adequate job at encapsulating Clairo’s essence and style as a music artist. In fact, one of my favorite aspects of Clairo is her “indie-pop” approach to music while also incorporating a sense of comfort and vulnerability.
The article included photos of Clairo performing, as Henriquez stood only five rows from the stage! I enjoyed Henriquez’s description of what songs Clairo had performed, as well as the new environment that Clairo had not previously attempted at. I definitely agree with the author when Henriquez declares, “Something I always admired about music was its ability to be broken down and rebuilt into something just as beautiful.” Like Henriquez, Clairo’s song “Add Up My Love” on her most recent album, “Charm,” is also one of my favorites.
I was amused, reading that Henriquez had posted a clip of her performance on TikTok and “the video would amass over 2 million views.”
All in all, Henriquez’s article on his experience at the Charm Tour has effectively fulfilled my desire to see Clairo perform. This article did a wonderful job amplifying Clairo as an artist and a performer.
Angelica Casillas • Jan 14, 2025 at 1:26 pm
This article is very charming and detailed of the great Clairo’s “Charm” album tour. It shares what songs she played the day the author attended her show in the Los Angeles Fonda Theatre. It states that the singer played five shows in the local LA location. I like the use of the acronym for the album name that the author created near the beginning of the article. This article includes various photos of her performances, making it visually appealing to readers. The article has a very enthusiastic tone that makes others excited to hear about Clairo’s concert, just reading through this. It’s very special that the author got to experience that concert which was clearly very memorable to them. Overall, this is a well put together article and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Clairo’s concert as a fellow fan of hers.