#8ACE00, the representative hex color code for the shade of green that has been unavoidable this past summer. Most recognizably a green square withholding black text has now been used in business adverts, fashion trends, and is now impacting our presidential election. A vibrant color having such inescapability leaves many to propose the question of where the popularity of this acid-like green originated from.
Calling this sensation an overnight success could not be farther from the truth. “Brat” is the most recent studio album by British singer-songwriter Charli XCX, released June 7, 2024. The album catapulted a commercial explosion debuting at number three spot on the Billboard 200 Albums Chart, ranking under household names in the music industry such as Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish.

As an album, “Brat” at its surface is a dance-pop album. Charli opens the album with “360,” a party anthem that toys with the theme of self-confidence, “Put the camera flash on so stylish. Baby, tears all gone.”
“When 360 first came out, I already knew this new era was going to be iconic,” PEACE junior Rudy Padilla says. Charli would later reprise the track, closing the album with “365”. Featuring production composition by British music producer A.G. Cook, the upbeat soundscapes found throughout the album transport you to a dance floor like no other.
The other half of “Brat” invokes a more serious feeling to the album, building its foundation based on susceptibility. Delving through Charli’s insecurities throughout her career, “I think about it all the time” ponders the desire to raise a family of her own, while battling with the belief that her career would be an obstacle to subside. She writes, ‘Cause maybe one day I might, If I don’t run out of time. Would it give my life a new purpose?’
Continuing along the theme of sorrow, Charli dedicates the power ballad “So I” to music inspiration SOPHIE. Most known for popularizing the “Hyperpop” genre and being a substantial figure for transgender representation in music, SOPHIE held an untarnished legacy in the industry producing sound compositions for legends such as Madonna and Nicki Minaj.
SOPHIE passed away on January 30th, 2021, in an accidental fall after attempting to photograph the full moon in Greece. Charli reflects on how Sophie’s legacy impacted her career while maneuvering through regrets for not participating in their friendship more, she sings “Your sounds, your words live on, endless. When I make songs, I remember things you’d suggest, ‘Make it faster’. Would you like this one?”
The vulnerability sprinkled throughout the album shows her diversity, grasping the ability to switch seamlessly through complex emotions and self-love.
Being a party album at heart, Charli has made remixes play a significant role throughout the Brat rollout. A fully remixed version of the original album titled “Brat and it’s completely different but also still brat” was released on Oct. 11.
Brat has broken the barriers of not just music; the “Brat Summer” sensation has become an unforeseen phenomenon. The confident care-free emotion Brat promotes embodied this summer’s spirit. Many credit the bold green guise of the album cover for the instantaneous fanfare surrounding the album. “I am who I am. And I want to make a proud and bold statement,” Charli says in response to the root of the invasive green cover.
Notably, the brat summer trend trampled into Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. June 21, 2024, Charli posted to her X (formerly Twitter) account, “kamala IS brat.” The post went on to amass over 55 million views. Harris would then utilize the endorsement and rebrand her campaign’s social media accounts to feature clear Brat-related references.

Though this breakout year seems to be the first time many have heard the name “Charli XCX,” a career expanding throughout 16 years trails behind the sudden success. Charli has accumulated a total of six albums along with two fan-favorite mixtapes, “Number 1 Angel” and “Pop 2.” With it, a fan base was built to which she titled her “Angels.” “Growing up and watching [Charli’s] career grow is admirable,” COMPASS Senior Katie Ramirez said. Across the decade and a half Charli has been in the music industry, nothing has compared to the triumph she is experiencing today.
Though summer is slipping away, Brat is here to stay. Potential talks of a “Brat Autumn” are already being discussed through various social media platforms due to Charli’s first headlining Arena tour beginning this September. Charli will perform to two sold-out crowds at the Los Angeles Kia Forum on Oct. 15 and 16. Without a doubt, Charli dominated the summer season and permanently established her position in the music industry.
Rachel Vanderschans • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:25 pm
Dear Corydon Editor,
On October 19, 2023, Ian Henriquez wrote an article titled “Behind ‘Brat Summer’”. This article effectively explained where the origin of the term “Brat Summer” arose from. It also gave the reader information on the album brat which was able to explain its origins and the artist.
One thing I had never known about the origins of brat was its dedication to trans music producer SOPHIE. I was unaware of the connection SOPHIE had to the brat album but was touched by the information and impressed by the level of research Henriquez did for this article.
A concern I have about the phenomenon that is “Brat Summer” is how it affects politics. Henriquez mentions how Charlixcx (the artist of Brat) endorsed Kamala Harris, by calling her a “brat”, which has a positive connotation. My main concern is if this endorsement can affect the political polls of the election and how it will affect the results. Would people endorse the opposing candidate if he was supported by a different politician?
I was pleased to learn about Charli’s success; I feel that society made the right person famous. The music is so much fun to listen to, but it’s nice to know that this isn’t all surface-level party music, the lyrics address complex emotions and themes that the audience can connect with.
Overall, this article gave me a better overview of Charlixcx’s brat album and gave me a more detailed perspective of songs I already enjoyed.
Payton Kelly • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:19 pm
On October 22, 2024, Ian Henriquez composed the article entitled “Behind ‘Brat Summer’”. With little-to-none prior knowledge, delving into this article intrigued my profound curiosity surrounding the fame of Charli XCX’s new album. Within the introduction, the description of the green hue captivated my attention, as I had been unsure of where the sudden rise of this color in social media had come from. Additionally, including the detail of this seemingly unrelated topic being involved in our presidential election was notably a clever choice that invites the reader to find out why.
This article follows a well-established line of explanation and detail, however, I wish Henriquez would have further clarified the statement of her album not being an overnight success. Regardless, this article expanded my knowledge about the masked vulnerability of what I originally considered a party-song album. Clarifying the meanings of certain songs beyond their surface while exploring their significance to the pop-star further accomplishes the goal in evaluating this album.
The method in which Henriquez additionally clarifies the adaptation of this album beyond Charli’s grasp into individuals’ lives by analyzing the “Brat summer” sensation thoroughly inquires on the full impact of this music record. Henriquez’s inclusion of student statements, clarification on the relationship between the album’s sensation and the presidential election, as well as further development on the possibility of the phenomenon lasting through autumn due to the tour all intertwine to perfect the explanation of “Brat summer”. All things considered, this article stands as an exceptional analysis to the Brat album and commotion.
Charlie Warner • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:15 pm
Giving tribute to the popular shade of neon green, more specifically known as #8ACE00, the article embraces what Charli XCX, a British singer-songwriter really meant when she released her sensational studio album Brat. Henriquez does an astounding job of capturing the massive impact that Brat has had on the newer generations ever since its release. The article delves into these effects, acknowledging how Charli’s album Brat made the “number three spot on the Billboard 200 Albums Chart” (Henriquez). For the summer-lovers who struggle in self-confidence, Brat is the most popular trend that they should jump on. While the album’s iconic focus starts as upbeat and confident, the later half evokes more earnest tones, revealing the inner truths of Charli’s feelings towards her music career. “Behind ‘Brat Summer’” gives us personal intel into the life of a rising pop star who carries emotions just like the rest of us. Henriquez dives into the aftermath of the death of SOPHIE, a sensational transgender hyperpop artist, whose “legacy impacted [Charli’s] career while maneuvering through regrets”, Charli says. Brat is the accumulation of the tantalizing fight for representation, complexity, and self-confidence. While Brat’s green might not be the most settling color, it’s a wave startling security that is still foreign to many.
The article poses a more serious question to the readers: What is Brat’s legacy? Henriquez argues that Charli’s album “dictates power…through complex emotions and self-love”, a motto that continues to spread through the pop-artist industry. Before the popularization of Brat through social media platforms like Tiktok and Instagram, I was unaware of the message behind the bright color. Now, anytime I catch a glimpse of that lambent green, my mind instantly wanders to the album and the ferocious statement that Charli stands for. This article is a wonderful testament to what hope, confidence, and love can do for a music industry. Finally, the article covers how Brat actually helped make a statement for the 2024 presidential campaign. According to Henriquez, Charli gained interest from Kamala Harris’ team after posting “kamala IS brat” to her X account. Harris then rebranded the statement on her multitude of social media accounts, helping appeal to her younger audience.
All in all, Henriquez is a fabulous and emotional writer who perfectly captivated the meaning of Brat, and its effect on the media. While it might not be summer anymore, the legacy of Brat is all around us. Take a look outside and the reflective green of the trees might just give you the confidence boost you need.
Haley Reyna • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:11 pm
On October 22, 2024, Ian Henriquez wrote an article titled “Behind ‘Brat Summer’”. This article covers the global phenomenon that is Charli XCX’s chart topping album Brat, along with its ever evolving variants. The author clearly highlights both the rapid commercial success of the album, as well as the longevity and importance of it. Henriquez provides numerous examples of lyrics and context that gives the reader, who may not be fully familiar with Charli XCX or “Brat Summer”, a greater understanding of why this album has had such a great impact on the summer of 2024.
Through lyrical analysis, Henriquez expresses how Brat goes beyond its dance-pop sound. Two of the songs mentioned—“I think about it all the time” and “So I”—may not have been the songs that were playing nonstop on social media. However, Henriquez expertly blends them into the article, exemplifying Charli XCX’s versatility. Beyond the album specifically, the author also focuses on its cultural impact. Henriquez does an excellent job of recapping “Brat Summer”, explaining its multifaceted success: its lime green color, its confidence, its lyrical vulnerability, and its sound.
Jorany Chim • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:11 pm
The article summarizes the “Brat” album in a fascinating and attention-grabbing way. For readers who already enjoy the work of Charli XCX, it may be a no-brainer to click on this article. However, for those who aren’t as familiar with the hyperpop musician, the author beautifully encapsulates the vibrant green phenomenon that is “Brat” for readers who read out of pure curiosity. “Brat Summer” was a summer of #8ACE00 backgrounds and dancing to songs that are ultimately “Club classics”. All of which Henriquez appealingly explains.
Henriquez not only references the impact the unique album has had on pop culture and social media, he also includes the political impact this album has had in the election especially amongst young voters. He explores the impact “Brat” has had on U.S. politics through the viral X tweet “kamala IS brat” as tweeted by the singer of the album. Henriquez’s exploration in politics and hyperpop is a fascinating combination that deserves recognition!
His acknowledgement to this electrifying and chart-topping album makes one want to continue “Brat summer” into “Brat autumn” as he reminds readers how sensational and profoundly impacting this album has been. Henriquez’s slight mention of the infamous “Sweat Tour” with Troye Sivan and Charli XCX creates a sense of desire to know more and hear more of this music that makes you want to get up and dance.
To sum up, Henriquez utilizes his superb writing capabilities to encapsulate the unique essence of “Brat summer” and the impact the album had on the world. His attention to pop culture detail and phenomenon creates a well done article. In the fashion of Charli XCX’s tweet about vice president Kamala Harris, Henriquez IS brat too.
Celeste • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:10 pm
On October 22, 2024, Ian Henriquez wrote an article entitled “Behind ‘Brat Summer’”. This article describes how Charli XCX’s Brat album has taken the world by storm. Ian Henriquez begins the article by describing the color significance of the album cover and how it has become an iconic symbol that represents the bold dance-pop music Charli creates. I loved how he dove into the lyrics of the songs and described how they fit into the album and the sensation it has become. Additionally, Henriquez describes how the songs have deeper meanings than the upbeat, energetic exterior. The article goes on to talk about how Charli dedicated her song “So I” to transgender icon SOPHIE and how she impacted the genre of pop and inspired Charli’s music.
Henriquez continues to delve deeper into the global phenomenon that was “Brat Summer” as he describes how the album’s carefree and bold feel became a summer staple for many. Furthermore, he adds the impact of Charli’s album on the 2024 presidential campaign as he describes how the comment Charli made that “kamala IS brat” became a marketing strategy for presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The article discusses the long career of Charli XCX, how she didn’t start out as the global pop icon she is today, and how her other albums helped make Brat the phenomenon it is. Finally, Henriquez closes the article by talking about how he believes that even though “Brat summer” is over, Charli’s popularity and legacy are continuing to grow.
David Fender • Oct 29, 2024 at 3:02 pm
Henriquez does an excellent job of creating an introduction that draws you into the article and makes you want to read more. He then goes on to thoroughly explain the subject of the article in a clear and concise way. I believe he executes this explanation really well, as it truly encapsulates all of the necessary information about the album, such as its iconic green color, the genre, etc. I also applaud his use of student quotes to further enhance this explanation.
Henriquez then continues to explain the different aspects of the album, such as the genre, messages, and emotions it contains. As an avid listener of the album, I was unaware about some of the meanings behind the songs, so Henriquez did an outstanding job at presenting this information in a way that makes you sympathize with the singer/songwriter, Charli XCX. Specifically, I was unaware of the moving story behind the song, “So I,” but after reading this article, it makes me appreciate the song much more.
In Henriquez’s introduction, he discusses how “Brat” has been used in business advertisements, fashion, and the presidential campaign. I believe he does an incredible job at elaborating on this by discussing how Kamala Harris’s campaign has been impacted by Charli XCX’s album. Specifically, his use of Charli’s tweet that claims “kamala IS brat,” provides the context as to why Harris’s administration decided to utilize “Brat” for their campaign. This information is especially relevant as the 2024 election is extremely near, and informing others about decisions made by her campaign is useful. As a suggestion, I wish that Henriquez would have delved a little deeper into how the fashion choices and business advertisements he mentioned in the introduction were impacted by “Brat” by mentioning specific examples. In conclusion, Henriquez did a beautiful job at explaining the “Brat summer” phenomenon and how it has impacted our culture.
Eliana Brion • Oct 29, 2024 at 9:46 am
This article does an excellent job in encompassing the unique and sensational album of the summer, “Brat.” The author describes the immediate success that Charli XCX received, also appealing to the Billboard 200 Albums Chart where she reached a number three spot, “ranking under household names in the music industry such as Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish,” Henriquez acknowledges. The author additionally covers the aura and style of “Brat,” moreover the iconic shade of green which is now correlated with the album. Charli XCX, as well as producer A.G. Cook incorporates her usual “Hyperpop” genre into topics that deal with emotions, and real-life issues and events. “Brat” recognizes Charli XCX’s own life, career, and insecurities, along with showing her appreciation for Hyperpop icon, SOPHIE, who unfortunately passed away in 2021.
This article declares the complexity of the “Brat” album, Henriquez admits, “The vulnerability sprinkled throughout the album shows her diversity, grasping the ability to switch seamlessly through complex emotions and self-love.” This has allowed for the “Brat summer” phenomenon to arise in popularity among many through platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and X. Henriquez briefly dives into the impact of “Brat” in politics. Surpassing 55 million views, Charli XCX’s post, “kamala IS brat,” essentially supported and rebranded Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.
This article finally depicts Charli XCX’s “Brat” album was what ultimately popularized her name, despite her 16 years of creating music. Personally, Charli XCX was a known name to me once “Brat” was released, however if it weren’t for the exploding success displayed among various TikTok trends and entertaining advertising, I would have never thought to take a listen. The amount of praise and support Charli XCX has received in the past few months has allowed for “Brat summer” to fall into autumn, where she will tour alongside pop-singer Troye Sivan.
All in all, Ian Henriquez wrote an amazing article, covering Charli XCX and the “Brat” album. Henriquez adds a sense of sophistication, when depicting much more than just the album itself and elaborating upon the true essence and influence of “Brat.”