Teacher Feature: Diana Brucker and Anjelica Adams
Photo of Ms. Adams outside of her classroom 563.
May 30, 2023
We’re back with our very last introduction of new teachers for this year. This issue we will introduce both Ms. Adams and Ms. Brucker.
Starting off with Ms. Adams; she is the Diverse Voices and Media Literacy teacher here at Millikan. In this class, her students learn how to use media and become agents of advocacy for issues they are passionate about.
“I chose to teach this course because it is an exciting subject that explores the connections between our identities, communication media, and how information and power are created and maintained in society,” Ms. Adams said.
Ms. Adams, like many others, feels that the people are the best thing about Millikan. She describes everyone as kind, generous, and very welcoming.
“It has been such a pleasure to meet folks here,” she said.
Ms. Adams has had an extensive career in teaching English. Before joining the Ram family, she taught at Compton High School for twenty-two years. She has taught from grades 9-12, as well as teaching AP English Language, AP English Literature, and AVID.
Ms. Adams considers teaching to be an honor and privilege and has the deepest respect for all teachers.
“My favorite part is the diverse and fascinating personalities of the students I meet each year,” she said.
She even feels she learns more from her students than they do from her.
Last, but most definitely not least, we have Ms. Brucker, an English teacher for MBA.
She chose to teach English because she loves the high variety of connections and discussions that can come about in her classroom. For example, this year they looked at the popular play “Romeo and Juliet”, and dove into the red flags and underlying gender identity.
Brucker’s favorite part about Millikan so far is the district’s strict policy on equity and inclusivity.
“I really feel like in my classroom, we can approach topics that I actually wasn’t able to approach in Arizona at all,” she said.

Ms. Brucker has had a very interesting career path. At the young age of 22, she turned down the opportunity of being a voice actor on “Rugrats All Grown Up.” Her main concern when turning down this offer was her desire to be taken seriously because growing up she wanted to be a lawyer. Looking back, she regrets this decision.
Like Adams, Ms. Brucker is now in her twenty-second year of teaching. Surprisingly enough, the fourth day of her teaching career was on Sept. 11, 2001. She moved to Arizona and taught for 17 years, before deciding to touch up on her credentials and move back to California.
We are glad to have you here Ms. Adams and Ms. Brucker! If you have any questions or would like to welcome them to our wonderful Ram family, feel free to stop by Ms. Brucker’s classroom at Rm. 830 and Rm. 563 for Ms. Adams.