Ready for the Spotlight
The girls rehearsing their dances for the upcoming show.
March 28, 2023
Millikan’s Dance Department is proud to announce that their annual show will take place on May 19 and 20, 2023. The show will take place in the Millikan Auditorium at 7 p.m. on Friday May 19 and 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday May 20. The dance ladies have been working very hard to make sure all performances are flawless and entertaining for their Millikan audience.
The ladies are collectively preforming 31 dances among all four levels, Beginning, Intermediate 3-4, Intermediate 5-6, and Advanced, these levels are composed of all grades and pathways. The dances will preforming all genres of dance including; Lyrical, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Modern, and Tap.
This is a very important event for all dancers, therefore preparation for the show began in Jan. under the guidance and management of Ms. Waters, Millikan’s Dance teacher. The ladies have rehearsals every class along with rehearsal after school until 5 p.m.
“During the Fall semester, dancers focus on technique, both at school and outside of school, at local dance studios,” says Waters, “When our dance show rehearsals start, dancers practice in class and after school. We also record all rehearsals so dancers can review material at home.”

“I am most excited about dancing for the very last time on this stage with this amazing team. We as a team have been preparing for the show during class, after school, and sometimes even during the weekends. It’s hard work but it will pay off in the end when the dances look great during the show,” says QUEST senior Mariah Madrigal, co-captain of the advanced dance team.
“The theme of this year’s show is ‘I Can Be.’ The idea is that us dancers can be anything we want. We can be bold, we can be emotional, we can be strong,” says advanced co-captain Lena Teeter, a senior in COMPASS. “The main focus of the show is to highlight the amazing talent we hope to showcase each individual dancer, as well as the strength and power we have as a collective.”
Be ready to come support the Millikan Dance Program as the show approaches. The tickets will go on sale two weeks before the show and may be purchased at the banker or online. To promote the show there will be flyers and posters around the campus with a QR code to the online sale. Best of luck to all dances who are performing.