New Library Park Passes
Card Holders can check out Park Passes from any Library in California, including the El Dorado Public Library
June 2, 2022
Public library card holders in California can now check out new California State Library Park Passes at their local libraries. Passes are valid for free vehicle day-use entry for one passenger vehicle and highway licensed motorcycles at over 200 Californian parks.
Library card holders can check out these park passes for an allotted number of days allowed by the local library, similarly to how books can be checked out.

This new library pass system is a part of a larger initiative by the California Department of Parks and Recreation in partnership with First Partner’s Office and the California State Library to increase access and attendance to state parks. Now instead of having to pay for day-use passes, card holders can simply show their park pass for free entry. Many librarians across the state have expressed interest and excitement over this new program, including Millikan’s own librarian, Shelly Hayes.
“It sounds awesome,” said Hayes. “Just hearing about it now, I don’t think that anything about it can be negative.”
Anyone interested in the new park pass program should contact their local public library either in person, by phone or email. Card holders can visit their local library and, provided that said library has the passes already, check passes out or schedule a time later to reserve them. A list of California public libraries and their corresponding contract information can be found on along with an interactive map that will help to find your closest library. More information on the program and its specifics can be found here.