Swimming into Season

PHOTO COURTESY OF 562: 100 back stroke during the 2021 Moore League swim finals

Katie Fleming, Staff Reporter

As March rolls around the corner, boys swim splashes into the 2022 season. Since December, they have been putting in the most effort by practicing everyday, and early in the morning three times a week. 

“They have been swimming as many yards as possible; around 7,000 to 8,000 yards as we get closer to the season. We also practice four strokes: butterfly, freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke,” says Mr. Smith, the coach for boys swim and water polo teams and Millikan special education history teacher.

Boys Swim swimming laps at practice

Starting off a new season isn’t successful if you’re only physically active, but building a good relationship with the people around you is just as important. Smith says, “We are close. I mean I see the kids everyday. It’s not like there’s a lot of people in aquatics, so we have a family-like relationship.” 

Amongst frosh soph, JV, and varsity, there are about 54 swimmers all dedicated to make Millikan proud. Each season, they improve and grow together. “Working with the boys from freshman to seniors, I’ve seen them mature and work hard together to reach our common goal, and have fun while doing it,” says Smith. 

Millikan Boys Swim have won second and third place in their league every year and with this season to come, their expectations rise and dedication to the team will strive in order to win first place! Come join us at Cabrillo High School on March 11 for their first meet