Looking to Head Towards The Big Leagues?
March 1, 2022
Are you looking for opportunities to further your athletic career? Lucky for you, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Center hosted a workshop on Feb. 10th, 2022, providing important information all athletes need.
In case you missed it, The Corydon has your back. This presentation was given by Mr. Booth, 10th-12th grade SEGA counselor.
Unfortunately for ninth grade students in MBA, QUEST, and SEGA, the link for the meeting was not available in your Canvas tiles due to technical difficulties.
“The flier was posted, but it got deleted so unfortunately there was no way to access the meeting,” said Mrs. Simpson, ninth grade MBA, QUEST, and SEGA, counselor. To our luck there is a slideshow that has all the information you need.
This slideshow included the academic eligibility, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) eligibility, and next steps. The difference between the NCAA and NAIA is the size of the association, the NAIA is much smaller. In order to get into the NCAA there are several requirements. The four academic components include graduating high school, completing the NCAA Core Courses, earning the required Grade Point Average (GPA), and earning the required SAT/ACT score. The NCAA Core Courses include English, Math, Science, History, and NCAA Electives. The GPA scales for the requirements vary depending on the division you are looking to be in.
To be eligible for the NAIA you must have greater than a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and have met minimum test score requirements for the SAT or ACT. These requirements do not vary depending on the division.
The next steps are the most important thing for athletes to know and keep up with. Athletes must take the proper and required classes while working hard to maintain good grades. It is also essential to create a NCAA profile account at the NCAA Eligibility Center. It is important to keep contact with your counselors to make sure that you are ontrack with the NCAA requirements. Best of luck to all athletes who wish to further their careers.