Millikan’s Own Government


A picture of the Co-ASB Presidents from their promotion video.

Isabella Towne, Editorial Editor


 On Wednesday, Dec. 8, ASB elections took place during 4th period, where Millikan’s student body voted for their choice of ASB class presidents and the executive board. The election winners were Isabelle Clark (PEACE Senior) and Aeres Ocullo (COMPASS Senior) for Co-ASB Presidents, Raquel Gass (QUEST Senior) for Treasurer, Irina Valdez (MIT Senior) for Secretary, and Julianna Caliri (MIT Senior) for Vice-President.

PHOTO COURTESY OF Kennadi Chapple: ASB hangs out in the ASB room.

 The ASB presidents lead the executive board meeting to oversee and organize the school events. Clark, one of Millikan’s Co-ASB presidents, who has been in ASB for two years, says that she “loves leading others and fostering an environment when we grow together and ensure diversity.”

The class President winners were Chukwuoma Uchegbulam (9th- QUEST) Metztli Aquetzalli Lopez (10th- QUEST) Sydnee Thy (11th-  QUEST) Kenadi Chapple (12th- QUEST).

In total, there were about 26 students running throughout the four grades. The nominees prepared by putting up posters, giving out stickers, and giving information to convince people to vote for them.  The Associate Student Body (ASB) has always been a strong force on Millikan; the glue that holds us together. They’re in charge of all the events which Millikan students attend and enjoy. This includes: homecoming, rallies, winter formal and many more. As said by Senior President Kenadi Chapple, “We, ASB, as a whole, have really tried to embrace our individuality and creativity here at school, and I think we’ve done a pretty good job.” 

  Get excited, Rams to see what the Executive board will bring to Millikan, and cannot wait to see how they thrive this year!